Anita Waggoner

Anita Waggoner

Anita Waggoner presently resides in Coeur D Alene, Idaho. Not only is she an award-winning writer, but she is also a gutsy entrepreneur. Anita has an extensive background in business, writing, and marketing. She has proven herself to be an outgoing, strong, independent woman who will stop at nothing to succeed. Her best-selling book “Freedom” has been adapted into an Oscar-worthy screenplay and plans to start production in the fall of 2023. Anita and her partner, and lifelong cowboy, Marvin Nixon raised world-class rodeo bulls on the Freedom ranch, which Anita funded in Freedom, Oklahoma. Their branded Rocking A bulls performed at PBR and PRCA rodeo events in many cities around the United States from 1996 through 2009. The movie Freedom is inspired by a true story about Anita's life in Freedom. Her screenplay Freedom won for Best Western Screenplay in the Silver State Film Festival 2022.
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