• Fourteen-Year Outcome of Angle-Closure Prevention with Laser Iridotomy in the Zhongshan Angle-Clos..
    Sep 10 2024
    Fourteen-Year Outcome of Angle-Closure Prevention with Laser Iridotomy in the Zhongshan Angle-Closure Prevention Study: Extended Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial Hosted By: Gretchyn Bailey, OD, NCLC, FAAO Topical Editor: Gretchyn Bailey, OD, NCLC, FAAO Topical Expert: Nora Lee Cothran, OD, FAAO https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37030454/
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    5 min
  • Corneal Reinnervation in Patients With Severe Neurotrophic Keratopathy Secondary to Herpes Zoster...
    Sep 10 2024
    Corneal Reinnervation in Patients With Severe Neurotrophic Keratopathy Secondary to Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus After Treatment With Autologous Serum Tear Drops Hosted By: Mile Brujic, OD, FAAO Topical Editor: Andrew Pucker, OD, PhD, FAAO Topical Expert: Andrew Pucker, OD, PhD, FAAO Article: https://journals.lww.com/corneaopen/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2024&issue=03000&article=00006&type=Fulltext
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    10 min
  • Guide to Handling Multi-Patient Contact Lenses
    Sep 10 2024
    Hosted By: Mika Moy, OD, FAAO Topical Editor: Mika Moy, OD, FAAO Topical Expert: Melissa Barnett, OD, FAAO Article: https://journals.lww.com/optvissci/fulltext/2024/03000/the_impact_of_demodex_blepharitis_on_patient.4.aspx
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    6 min
  • Two-Year Myopia Management Efficacy of Extended Depth - Focus Soft Contact Lenses Caucasian Children
    Sep 10 2024
    Two-Year Myopia Management Efficacy of Extended Depth of Focus Soft Contact Lenses (MYLO) in Caucasian Children Hosted By: Dave Kading, OD, MS, FAAO Topical Editor: Andrew Pucker OD, PhD, FAAO Topical Expert: Pablo De Gracia, PhD, FAAO, Dipl AAO Article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38056608/
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    13 min
  • Vision Therapy for IXT
    Sep 10 2024
    Hosted By: Maureen Plauman, OD, PhD, FAAO Topical Editor: Maureen Plauman, OD, PhD, FAAO Topical Expert: Angie Chen, OD, MS, FAAO, Dipl AAO Article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38146812/
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    8 min
  • Characteristics of Bacterial Community in Eyelashes of Patients with Demodex Blepharitis
    Sep 10 2024
    Hosted by: Kaleb Abbott, OD, MS, FAAO Topical Editor: Kaleb Abbott, OD, MS, FAAO Topical Expert: Sathi Maiti, OD, FAAO Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10868039/
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    8 min
  • Impact of Demodex on Daily Life
    Aug 14 2024
    Hosted By: Mika Moy Topical Editor: Mika Moy Topical Expert: Melissa Barnett Article: https://journals.lww.com/optvissci/fulltext/2024/03000/the_impact_of_demodex_blepharitis_on_patient.4.aspx
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    6 min
  • Efficacy of Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses in Reducing Myopia Progression Among Taiwanese...
    Aug 13 2024
    Efficacy of Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses in Reducing Myopia Progression Among Taiwanese Schoolchildren: A Randomized Paired-Eye Clinical Trial Hosted By: Mile Brujic, OD, FAAO Topical Editor: Andrew Pucker, OD, PhD, FAAO Topical Expert: Stephanie Martich, OD, FAAO Article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38127196/
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    10 min