
  • 20240710 1430 To Advocate and Educate, The History of Activism in Jacksonville
    Jul 10 2024

    20240710 1430 To Advocate and Educate, The History of Activism in Jacksonville Originally Broadcasted July 10, 2024, on ACB Media 3 Attendees continued with us on our odyssey through the history of Jacksonville. Participants interacted with a panel of diverse voices shaping the community of Jacksonville today, "the new, bold city of the south." Edited By: Mary Ann Grignon

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    Meno di 1 minuto
  • 20240710 1430 Advocacy Bootcamp 101
    Jul 10 2024

    20240710 1430 Advocacy Bootcamp 101 Originally Broadcasted July 10, 2024, on ACB Media 2 This session explored how a person can advocate for themselves individually, or how a larger group can advocate at a local or national level to bring about widespread change. Advocacy can occur at an individual level, work to advance change in legislation, bring legal action, or bring together a whole community to amplify an issue. This session explored the numerous tactics and venues that can be used to advocate for change. Edited By: Mary Ann Grignon

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    1 ora e 8 min
  • 20240710 0700 AFB Breakfast
    Jul 10 2024

    20240710 0700 AFB Breakfast Originally Broadcasted July 10, 2024, on ACB Media Zoom Recorder Attendees joined the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) for our annual breakfast. Learn about the latest research impacting on our community and the success following the release of AFB's documentary film "Possibilities". AFB's President and CEO Eric Bridges was on hand to answer questions and share what's on the horizon for the coming year. Edited By: Doug Hunsinger

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    1 ora e 1 min
  • 20240709 1430 Diabetes and Advocacy-American Diabetes Association and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Legislative Priorities for 2024
    Jul 9 2024

    20240709 1430 Diabetes and Advocacy-American Diabetes Association and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Legislative Priorities for 2024 Originally Broadcasted July 9, 2024, on ACB Media 3 We shared their respective organizations legislative priorities for 2024, inclusive of what is being done to make durable medical equipment, DME, fully accessible. Attendees joined ACB Diabetics in Action for what promised to be a stimulating conversation about advocating for the rights of individuals living with diabetes and vision loss! Facilitator: Claire Stanley Virginia Presenters: Clarissa Kemp Senior Director of Policy from formally JDRF, now Breakthrough T1D, LYNN STARR Chief Global Advocacy Officer, JDRF Washington DC. Edited By: Larry Gassman

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    1 ora e 4 min
  • 20240708 1300 Self-Advocacy at Work
    Jul 8 2024

    20240708 1300 Self-Advocacy at Work Originally Broadcasted July 8, 2024, on ACB Media Zoom Recorder Through a mixture of presentation and guided role plays, attendees learned how to better communicate their needs and abilities to frazzled HR staff, techies, and overworked, under supported bosses. Edited By: Darcy Burnard

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    43 min
  • 20240708 1030 Current Case Law on Issues Impacting People with Vision Loss
    Jul 8 2024

    20240708 1030 Current Case Law on Issues Impacting People with Vision Loss Originally Broadcasted July 8, 2024, on ACB Media 3 Attendees joined a panel of disability rights attorneys as they discussed an array of issues from current case law that directly impacts the lives of people who are blind or have low vision. Participants were ready with questions about legal topics that relate specifically to people with vision loss. Edited By: John Gassman

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    1 ora e 16 min
  • 20240708 0900 Bridging the Generational Gaps in Advocacy
    Jul 8 2024

    20240708 0900 Bridging the Generational Gaps in Advocacy Originally Broadcasted July 8, 2024, on ACB Media 2 Intergenerational collaboration can lead to more inclusive and sustainable solutions by incorporating diverse perspectives and experiences. Attendees joined us as a generation-inclusive panel talked about their involvement with ACB, today's cultural/political climate, and how advocacy efforts might be adapted to incorporate these changes. During this session, NextGen leader Amanda selm and long-time ACB member Peter Altschul will engage in live conversations with ACB members who come from diverse backgrounds to gain a better understanding of their advocacy-related experiences and perspectives. Edited By: Mary Ann Grignon

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    1 ora e 6 min
  • 20240708 0900 All Things Legislative
    Jul 8 2024

    20240708 0900 All Things Legislative Originally Broadcasted July 8, 2024, on ACB Media 3 It is always a roller coaster ride when it comes to the world of federal legislation, and this year is no exception. Attendees joined ACB advocacy staff as they whirl us through the topsy-turvy landscape of federal legislation in 2024 as it relates to blindness and low vision. In addition, be ready to share any accomplishments that your affiliate had this year in working on state legislation. Edited By: Mary Ann Grignon

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    1 ora e 1 min