
  • The Future of Work and the Consolidation of Data
    Sep 5 2023

    Professor John Quiggin is a VC Senior Fellow in Economics at the University of Queensland. He is prominent both as a research economist and as a commentator on Australian economic policy.

    Tim Dunlop is an independent, Melbourne-based writer specialising in media, politics, technology, and the future of work

    In this episode, Amjad discusses the challenges societies face from companies who control the data upon which a lot of the applications and models we develop depend upon.

    We also discuss how AI and the rise of remote working mean for the future of work.

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    50 min
  • Computer vision, Ecology and Biodiversity
    Sep 5 2023

    Tom August is a Computational Ecologist at the UK's Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Neil Strong is Biodiversity manager at Network Rail.

    Network Rail is one of the biggest landholders in the UK. Amjad hosts a conversation where they discuss how Network Rail is using train mounted cameras, satellite data and monitoring stations to get a baseline on the biodiversity along their tracks and then to protect that biodiversity whilst running a safe and reliable train network.

    Tom talks about UKCEH's work developing remote moth stations for detecting species of moths in a habitat and their work bringing AI and technology to the public and citizen scientists.

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    42 min
  • AI and the Justice System
    Aug 2 2023

    In this episode, Amjad Karim chats with Cari Hyde-Vaamond to explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the legal system and its potential implications.

    Cari is an experienced lawyer and court advocate. Having practised in diverse fields including technology, Cari became increasingly interested in researching the impacts of AI in justice settings.

    We discuss the ability of AI to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and access to justice in areas that are currently struggling and key considerations such as fairness and accountability. To illustrate the practical application of AI in the legal system, we discuss why traffic offences are a suitable area for utilising AI and how it can streamline the process of identifying violations, analysing evidence, and determining appropriate penalties.

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    52 min