
  • Episode 289: Dumb Money and Top 5 Greed Movies
    Oct 18 2023
    Robert and Ira… Dumb? Absolutely. Money? Not so much. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss DUMB MONEY and share their top greed movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a schlub with no money and you follow an obscure stock and tell people on YouTube to buy it and it shoots higher and higher and your followers, including a nurse and a hot lesbian couple, are buying more and more and the head honcho CEOs are pissed because they wanted to do a short sell but now they’re royally fucked and losing a shit load of big bucks, we’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars, and the server shuts down and people are pissed and panicked because they want to sell and now the feds are called in and you’re heralded as a financial guru and you buy your brother a cool car so he can stop delivering food, then this podcast is for you!
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    1 ora e 48 min
  • Episode 288: Silent Running and Top 5 Robot Movies
    Sep 12 2023
    Most of the people who work on this show dream of a time when Robert and Ira are sent by themselves into deep space, never to return. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss SILENT RUNNING and share their top robot movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever murdered your crewmates to keep some Christmas trees alive, then this podcast is for you!
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    1 ora e 11 min
  • Episode 287: Sorcerer and Top 5 Hidden Gem Movies
    Aug 28 2023
    Last time Ira and Robert tried to drive a bunch of explosives through the jungle in the middle of a monsoon, they blew it up. That’s it. That’s the intro. They just didn’t accidentally blew up the explosives, and they failed at their mission. Why does every intro have to be funny? Can’t some intros just be an accurate reflection of what happened? Sheesh. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss SORCERER and share their top hidden gem movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a bad dude and a couple of really bad henchmen want you dead and you end up in a godforsaken village and you’re offered a job to transport a shit load of explosives to another town to put out a fire and they’ll give you a shit load of money and a passport and so you agree to do it and team up with three other nasty dudes and fix up a couple of wrecked trucks and off you go, and your truck barely makes it across a rickety bridge, and then you barely make it across another rickety bridge that’s falling apart in the rain, and some evil dudes rob you but you kill them, and some tree trunks block the road and you use the dynamite in the truck to explode the trunks, and the other truck blows a tire and swerves off the road and explodes, and you finally make it back to the bar and you ask an ugly woman to dance but the really bad henchmen who want you dead enter the bar, then this podcast is for you!
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    1 ora e 16 min
  • Episode 286: Sound of Freedom and Top 5 Movie Campaigns
    Aug 15 2023
    So many jokes to make about the Anti-wave boys and sex trafficking… and yet, we’re just going to ignore them all. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss SOUND OF FREEDOM and share their top movie campaigns. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a former government agent and you meet a father whose son and daughter were kidnapped and sold into child trafficking and you feel bad for the single dad so you go south of the border and help return the son, but that’s not good enough so once again, leaving your hot blonde wife at home, you go back out to get the daughter and you meet lots of mean dudes and you go to an island filled with kids that would make Jeffrey Epstein green with envy, but you don’t find the little girl and you go deeper into the Colombian jungle and you’re on a boat going down the river pretending you’re a doctor bringing medical supplies to the natives, and another boat takes you at gunpoint to their camp and the mean dudes are getting drunk while they sing and play the accordion and - voilà! – you spot the little girl and whisk her away, but the bad dudes come after you and with bullets whizzing all over the place you try to out run them, then this podcast is for you!
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    2 ore e 21 min
  • Episode 285: Sicario and Sicario: Day of the Soldado and Top 5 Hitman Movies
    Jul 11 2023
    You're gonna want to armor up for this episode. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss a double feature SICARIO and SICARIO: DAY OF THE SOLDADO and share their top hitman movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a beautiful by-the-book FBI special agent assigned by the government to a task force to bring down the main leader of a Mexican drug cartel and you hate the unwarranted violence, and a police officer puts the make on you but he’s working for the cartel, and there are lots of bullets flying all over the place, and you discover the wife and daughter of one of your team members was killed by the cartel, and to get even he brutally kills the cartel’s wife and kids and then the cartel dude himself, and he forces you at gunpoint to sign a document that everything the task force did was kosher, and you have the opportunity to kill him, but you don’t… but wait, there’s more that happens and lucky for you you’re no longer involved when the dude who killed the cartel’s family now goes to Mexico to stir up trouble among two opposing cartels, and he kidnaps the daughter of a cartel kingpin but makes it appear it was done by the other cartel, and things get royally fucked up and the daughter wanders off in the desert and he goes after her and there’s more chaos and lots of bullets flying all over the place and good thing you’re not even in this part of the story, then this podcast is for you!
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    1 ora e 46 min
  • Episode 284: Arnold and Top 5 Rags to Riches Movies
    Jun 27 2023
    Funny, Ira also had pictures of an oiled up Reg Park on his bedroom walls. He spent hours and hours fantasizing about him, too. But then, Ira was never elected governor of California, either. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss ARNOLD and share their top rags to riches movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be born on a farm in Austria and you were in fierce competition with your brother and you got into bodybuilding, came to America, and became a popular action movie star with a thick accent, and you groped lots of women and smoked lots of cigars and you married a Kennedy and your brother and dad died, and then your mom died from the same heart ailment you once had but you had heart surgery and got better and became governor of California and fucked your maid and had a son and didn’t tell your wife, then this podcast is for you!
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    1 ora e 45 min
  • Episode 283: The Rock and Top 5 Worse Than You Remember Movies
    May 30 2023
    When Robert and Ira went to San Francisco to visit Alcatraz, all they came back with was a scorching case of herpes. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss THE ROCK and share their top ‘worse than you remember’ movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be an FBI agent who specializes in explosives and your girlfriend is pregnant and as you propose to her, you’re needed by the Government because an angry dude captured a bunch of tourists on Alcatraz and put them in prison cells and is demanding a shit load of money for the families of soldiers who died in covert missions, and he’s got missiles loaded with nasty shit that can wipe out San Francisco, and you go to a long-haired dude who is in jail because a covert mission backfired and he escaped from Alcatraz years ago and he helps you and your team break into the prison, but you get found out and the bad guy fires a missile but it goes off course and falls into the ocean and it was more of a bluff and he only wanted to threaten the Government to pay out big bucks, but then the bad dude’s henchman goes nuts and wants to destroy the city and you shove a green sphere of poison into his mouth and you fire the last missile into him and he gets blown to bits, and then you shove a long needle into your heart so the bio poison won’t kill you, and fighter planes are flying to Alcatraz to bomb the island and you hold up green flares which means to abort the bombing, and then you lie to your supervisors and tell them the guy who helped you out was killed so he can go free, then this podcast is for you!
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    1 ora e 30 min
  • Episode 282: Lord of the Flies (Both!) and Top 5 Island Movies
    May 16 2023
    The closest Ira and Robert ever came to being stranded was when they got stranded in a McDonald’s drive-through. We just called it Lord of the Fries. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss both versions of LORD OF THE FLIES and share their top island movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a school kid and you’re in a plane crash and you’re stranded on an island with your other classmates, and whoever has a conch is allowed to talk, and you help build a camp and with a fat kid’s glasses, you help make a fire and you hunt wild pigs and eat fish and make spears to hunt, but then you and the kids break into two groups and the other group with paint on their faces are violent and act like savages, and a storm destroys the camp and the savages put a pig’s head on a stick and kill a kid, and when the fat boy holds the conch and tries to talk sense to the two groups, the savage kids kill him and now they’re coming after you and you run and stumble and you look up at an adult soldier who asks, “Just what are you kids doing?” then this podcast is for you!
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    1 ora e 33 min