
  • What is Remote Coaching?
    Jun 12 2024

    What is Remote Coaching & how does it work?

    In this episode Blake and Conner discuss what Individual Design Coaching is and how their remote coaching system works.

    The Process of Comeback Athletes Coaching

    1) Apply - Coach will reach out and get your information
    2) Consult - Mtg your coach 1:1 via video call and map out a customized plan
    3) Perform - Implement plan and do daily check-in's with coach
    4) Results - Get the results you have been wanting

    There is more!!!
    We also talk about our Elite Package where we have a mindset coach who mtgs with you monthly and lab work that we do quarterly.
    #fitness #fitnesscoach #remotecoaching #personalizedfitness #truecoach #coachrx #healthylifestyle #formerathlete #functionaltraining

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    20 min
  • The Psychology of Coaching
    May 28 2024

    Understanding the clients story has major implications for success in and out of their sport.

    From competitive athletes to the dad who wants to get fit again, there is a huge connection in coaching that is based on understanding the clients story.


    1) Helping both the coach and client understand what matters and why
    2) Learning to approach bad habits, where they come from, and why they happen.
    3) Applying fitness and health to connect with a deeper and more meaningful purpose for the client.

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    20 min
  • Who we are & what we believe about coaching
    May 17 2024

    Quick Intro
    Who Conner & Blake are as coaches
    What creates our passion for coaching and core principles of coaching
    How we approach coaching different


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    15 min