• E40 - Building Linkedin Profile With Karen Tisdell, LinkedIn Profile Writer and Trainer
    Jun 20 2022

    Despite LinkedIn being the need of the hour, this episode is unique in its own right.

    This week's guest is one of the early users of LinkedIn, who has not only built her career through LinkedIn but has also helped a lot of people do the same.

    From being an account manager to HR recruiting to becoming LinkedIn's top voice in 2021, Karen Tisdell followed her passion.

    She is running her own business for the last 13 years and has been a LinkedIn user for the last 18 years.

    She is currently a LinkedIn Profile Writer and got over 100 recommendations.

    She started her journey as an account manager for the Essex chronicle group back in the 1990s and today, she has close to 20k followers on LinkedIn.

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • Following your passion
    • How to use Linkedin
    • Building Career on LinkedIn
    • Learning something new every day
    • Adding value in every job
    • Communication
    • Networking
    • Alignment of role and purpose

    Karen Tisdell coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karentisdell

    Website: https://karentisdell.com

    Email: hello@karentisdell.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/karen_tisdell

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career are costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    56 min
  • E39 - Using Technologies To Impact Human Lives With Jaya Vaidhyanathan, CEO, BCT Digital
    May 16 2022

    The less traversed path comes with unique challenges that change the way we think.

    The guest of this week, Jaya Vaidhyanathan, has stretched her boundaries to show that we can accomplish whatever we set our minds to.

    Jaya was listed in the top 10 most influential women in tech and has also been named India's most trustworthy CEO.

    She started her career as a computer science graduate.

    She wanted to work with people rather than systems, so she studied finance and strategy in an MBA program at Cornell University in USA.

    During her MBA, investment banking caught her interest, so she joined CIBC Oppenheimer as their Director.

    She then got into technology shaping up large deals in USA for HCL Technologies.

    After that, she moved to management consulting where she worked on setting up large businesses for Accenture clients.

    Then, she joined Standard Chartered Bank as Executive Vice President heading global technology and strategic transformation.

    A personal situation made her think of the next stage of her career, and she thought of bringing all her corporate experiences to build something valuable for the banking industry to help the bankers. And her entrepreneurial journey started.

    Today she is CEO at BCT Digital and Independent Director at UTI Mutual Funds.

    During her career, she was primarily driven by demands on a personal and professional front.

    Her passion for exploring and learning became apparent in her shifts in jobs in quite different ways.

    Her main objective is to use technologies to impact human lives.

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • Various aspects of growing your career
    • Developing right growth mindset
    • Transitioning into Entrepreneurship
    • Giving back and creating an impact

    Jaya Vaidhyanathan coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaya-vaidhyanathan-26039510

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career are costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

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    1 ora
  • E38 - From Door-to-Door Sales to Building a Technology Platform With Tinesh Chhaya, Founder, Decipher Cyber
    Mar 14 2022

    Do you want to start a side hustle?

    Do you want to shift from corporate to entrepreneurship?

    Then this episode is the answer to your questions.

    From finance to sales,

    From banking to cybersecurity,

    Tinesh Chhaya has experienced it all.

    He started his journey in finance but soon realized he needed to switch.

    He moved to sales, where he sold address verification software door to door.

    It didn't take him long to realize there was much more to life than what he was doing.

    He then joined Gartner, which turned out to be the best decision of his life. He got an inside-out view of the entire market.

    That's where he fell in love with cybersecurity.

    He switched a lot of roles and did a number of side hustles before starting his own firm in cybersecurity.

    Today he is very proud to say that he is building the largest database of CyberSecurity vendors globally with his startup Decipher Cyber.

    The following are two important lessons he learned from his side hustles:

    1. Always do whatever you are passionate about
    2. Choose your business partner correctly

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • Sales
    • Importance of mentorship
    • Finding opportunities
    • Career switching
    • Following your passion
    • Identifying the problem
    • Creating the solution

    Tinesh Chhaya coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinesh-chhaya-07623097/

    Company Website: http://www.deciphercyber.com/

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career are costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    48 min
  • E37 - From a Programmer to Global Innovation Leader & CEO of a Startup Incubator/Accelerator, Malik Irfan
    Mar 7 2022

    Starting as a programmer, Malik Irfan has evolved into a Serial Entrepreneur and Innovation thought leader. Today, he runs a Start-up Accelerator as well as a successful IT Consulting Company. He is also the president of AIBC (Australia India Business Council – a 30+ years old non-profit organisation).

    There is a lot to learn from Malik’s experience – both in entrepreneurship as well as a corporate career.

    Malik’s journey in short:

    Malik was born and raised in Kerala. He worked for a couple of years with Tech Mahindra (then Satyam Computers). He then decided to build his own software development company. He managed to find his co-founders but moved to Australia for further studies. While pursuing his masters in Australia, he developed a strong network in the local community and that’s how he found his first client for his company. His business grew and he started to consult with large enterprises. His next opportunity came with a large financial services organsation where he stayed for about 10 years, delivering large digital programs and developing his leadership skills.

    The credibility he built in Australia got him invited to middle east where he spent his next 2-3 years building innovative technology solutions.

    Today, he runs a startup accelerator, is the CEO of his IT consulting company, is president of AIBC, and is also an investor in several tech startups.

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • Leveraging
    • Legacy
    • Giving back to society
    • Look for synergies
    • Networking
    • Building confidence
    • Creating an impact
    • Following your passion

    Malik Irfan coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irfanmalikmobility/

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career are costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    50 min
  • E36 - From The Study of Medicines to Tutoring Neurodivergent Kids and NLP Trainer With Fatema Kudrati, Director, Kip McGrath Education Centre Ringwood
    Feb 21 2022

    We often find it difficult to pursue our passions.

    This week's guest Fatema Kudrati shares how a medical school graduate got into child tutoring, development, and NLP training.

    In 2004, her son was diagnosed with ADHD, and that's when she realized it's not a learning difficulty, it's a teaching difficulty, and all brains can learn.

    She then started helping neurodivergent kids to build self-esteem and self-confidence in themselves.

    Initially, she served as a mentor for Toastmasters Gravels Club in Kuwait.

    After moving to Australia, she opened the Ringwood branch of Kip McGrath Education Centre.

    And then there was no looking back.

    Today she also teaches NLP concepts that helped her to be the master of her own mind, speed reading, mind mapping, and the art of public speaking.

    Her main objective is to create an impact.

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • NLP concepts
    • Mind mapping and its application
    • Speed reading
    • Building confidence
    • Creating an impact
    • Following your passion

    Fatema Kudrati coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachfatema/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drkudrati

    Personal Website: https://www.fatemakudrati.com.au/

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career are costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    30 min
  • E35 - Running a Portfolio Career With Founder and CEO of Wisedoc, Akash Kannegulla, Ph.D
    Feb 14 2022

    Most of us find it challenging to manage a job along with family.

    This week’s guest Akash Kannegulla shares how he manages a full-time job and a start-up alongwith a family.

    He is a perfect example of living his passion, working for a cause and perseverance.

    While pursuing his Phd in nano-photonics (heard of it before?), he ventured into the world of entrepreneurship and developed a cloud-based product for researchers to help create thesis faster and named Wisedoc. During covid, his father and his sister lost their jobs so he pivoted and made his product useful for students and job seekers.

    For the last 3 years, he has been working for Intel as a Process Integration Engineer alongside running a full-fledged business.

    He strongly believes that the best way to know what you want is to keep exploring.

    He has shared his entire journey from identifying the problem statement to developing the product and finding the work-life balance.

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • Communication
    • Networking
    • Being motivated at hard times
    • Identifying the problem
    • Creating the solution
    • Perfecting a pitch
    • Accepting the criticism

    Akash Kannegulla coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/akashkannegulla/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AKannegulla

    Company Website: https://www.wisedoc.net/

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career are costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    44 min
  • E34 - Starting Biz From Scratch in a New Country, With Naheed Khan, Founder of FuturWits
    Jan 10 2022

    Establishing your own company can be a little intimidating at times.

    Shifting to a new country is often challenging.

    Isn't it?

    Naheed dealt with all of it and is now a Transformational Learning and Development Consultant and a Co-Founder of Futurwits.

    She started her journey way back in 2004 as a Sales Trainee Manager at Bajaj Life Insurances.

    And eventually moved to SBI as a Training Manager, where she started applying NLP concepts even before being certified as an NLP practitioner.

    Soon after, she and her husband shifted to Dubai and registered their company.

    While re-establishing themselves in a new country, they faced many challenges.

    In all the challenging times she focused upon 3 simple rules, which were:

    • Be conscious of the words that you use.
    • Think about the outcome and not the path.
    • Be present in your present moment.

    She works on aligning your purpose with your job and limiting the barriers to accepting change.

    With less than 3 years under her belt, her business has expanded to 16 countries, won 5 awards, and been a finalist at the Gulf Capital SME Awards.

    It was a combination of giving and networking offline and online across different platforms, such as Linkedin, Coffee Mug, and Lunch Club, that allowed her to expand so much.

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • Aligning with the purpose
    • Adding value to your vision
    • Networking
    • Focusing on the goal, not the path
    • Finding your vision
    • Importance of getting a coach
    • Some concepts of NLP

    Naheed Khan coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naheedkhan/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/naheedinspires

    Company Website: https://www.futurwits.com/

    Personal Website: https://www.naheedkhan.com/

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career is costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    51 min
  • E33 - From Chef to Airline CEO, With Koustav Dhar, CEO At Zoom Air
    Jan 3 2022

    Success leaves clues.

    It's intriguing how a Chef can become CEO of an airline.

    Not only that, Koustab became an authority in starting full-service airlines from scratch in the Build-Operate-Transfer model.

    As a hotel management graduate, Koustav started as a chef and grew rapidly into leadership positions in the hospitality industry.

    By a twist of fate, Koustav sat next to Sahara Airlines chairman in a flight. That conversation led to him getting invited to work at Sahara Airlines. That's where he learned about the airlines business. Again, with his dedication and hard work, he grew rapidly in ranks; he was given the responsibility to expand the airline outside India.

    After Sahara airlines got sold to Jet airways, by another twist of fate, he was invited to start the MDLR airlines. And he hasn't looked back since then.

    He has built 9 airlines so far in the Build-Operate-Transfer model and 2 more are in the pipeline.

    There is a lot to learn from his journey.

    He shared his story in the following stages

    • Chef to general manager
    • General Manager to Vice President at Air Sahara
    • Building MDLR and Jagson Airlines
    • Creating Zoom Air

    In this episode of Empowering Indian Expats, you will learn about

    • Business strategies
    • What does it take to create exponential career growth
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Brand building
    • Networking
    • Managing failures
    • Being generous

    Koustav M. Dhar coordinates:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/koustavmdhar/?locale=en_US

    Blog: http://indiaregionalaviation.blogspot.com/2009/01/indian-aviation-hopes-2009-new.html

    Host Ehsan coordinates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alimohammadehsan

    If you are concerned about your career, take the 3-minute quiz to find out what gaps in your career is costing you the most: https://empoweringyourcareer.scoreapp.com/

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    56 min