#22 Manifesting Clients, Money And More In Your Web Biz What if I told you it is entirely possible to manifest anything you want in your web design business?In today’s episode of the podcast, I will share how manifestation has influenced my business growth and give you suggestions as to how you can implement manifestation into your day-to-day routine to help build your business. Key takeaways Manifestation is the act of visualising the things that you want to achieve, you are willing it into reality and asking the universe for it to come true. I love to journal, I have individual journals and notebooks for lots of different things in my business. For example, my Full Focus Planner for goals and tasks. I have a specific journal for manifesting and I don’t allow anybody else to look at this. As well as manifesting, I might write down struggles, anxieties or things that make me nervous within my business. There is no right or wrong way to write down your manifestations, just putting it on paper makes it become more of a real thing. It isn’t just a passing thought, but a physical goal. Vision boarding is another method of manifestation. Having writing, imagery, thoughts or ideas on one board. Again, the act of getting the ideas from your brain onto something in front of you. Visual manifestation and meditating - the brain can’t tell the difference between a memory or something that happens over time. Using mental imagery can help make it happen. Visualisation and meditation can be a great tool for building confidence, especially when it comes to earning money and signing clients. You can’t just manifest, you have to take action and put the work in. Ambitions and goals can influence everyday life in your business. Whether it be turning up for social media more regularly, feeling more positive or gaining the confidence to reach out to potential clients. Goal setting for the year, quarter, month, week, and day can help make your larger goals more achievable by breaking down into smaller goals. I have manifestations from two and a half years ago which are only just becoming a reality, so you have to put the work in to get there. Where can you begin? Buy a journal! Step up and start a vision board! Take 10 minutes out of your day to meditate. One thing to remember above all else “Manifesting is great, but you have to take action too! Let your way of manifesting flow into your daily actions and, in turn, this will only bring positivity into your business!” Highlights you simply cannot miss! What is manifestation? (1min38) How do we manifest? (2min49) Partnering action with your method of manifesting (7min53) My experiences of manifesting in my business (12min15) Where do I begin? Actions to take-away (14min04)
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