
  • S01E07 - Amitabh Kant - The Green Development Pact and India's G20 discussions
    Sep 17 2024

    In this episode the co-hosts Sid and Giba interview Mr. Amitabh Kant the India's G20 Sherpa to discuss nature-based solutions in the context of global discussions.

    To know more about India's G20 presidency please visit: https://www.g20.in/en/

    The transcription of this episode is available for dowload here: https://bit.ly/NbD-S01E07

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    38 min
  • S01E06 - Janaína Dallan - Voluntary Carbon Markets in Brazil
    Sep 10 2024

    Listen to a fresh perspective from a pioneer of the market. Janaína Dallan is the Founder and CEO of Carbonext, one of Brazil's leading carbon developers and Nature-based Solutions company.

    In this episode Giba and Constanza interview "Jana" to learn more about the trends and challenges of Voluntary Carbon Markets in Brazil.

    The transcription of this episode is available at: https://bit.ly/NbD-S01E6

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    54 min
  • S01E05 - Ane Alencar - The challenges of the Amazon
    Sep 3 2024

    Today Giba and Satrio interview Dr. Ane Alencar, a highly awarded researcher and Director of Science at the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM). In this episode Ane shares the history of her background as a geographer working on forest conservation, her work at IPAM and the challenges that the Brazilian Amazon faces on balancing economic development with forest conservation.

    To know more about IPAM's work please visit: https://ipam.org.br/en/

    The resources from Woodwell Climate Research Institute and Mapbiomas mentioned by Ane during the interview are available here and here.

    You can find the Plan Bio (Pará State bioconomy plan) also mentioned in the episode here.

    The transcription of the episode is available for download at: https://bit.ly/NbD-S01E05

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    57 min
  • S01E04 - Gita Syahrani - "Gotong-royong": NbS in Indonesia
    Aug 27 2024

    In this inspirational episode Satrio and Giba receive Gita Syahrani, a Climate Breakthrough Awardee, to talk about the role of conveners, her work at LTKL and KEM, and how to design Nature-based Solutions policy at diferent governmental levels.

    To know more about, please check the websites of KEM, LTKL and Alam Siak Lestari. Also you will find more about Gita at the Climate Breakthrough Award page.

    The transcription of this episode is available for download at https://bit.ly/NbD-S01E04.

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    53 min
  • S01E03 - Gustavo Manrique - Unlocking the value of Nature
    Aug 23 2024

    In this episode Rafa and Giba interview Gustavo Manrique, former Minister of the Environment and of Foreign Relations from Ecuador, to understand how emerging countries can unlock the value of Nature for their economies.

    The transcription of this episode is available at https://bit.ly/NbD-S01E03

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    49 min
  • S01E02 - Charles Karangwa - What are NbS?
    Aug 20 2024

    In this episode Satrio and Rafa interview Charles Karangwa, the Global Head of Nature-based Solutions at IUCN, the largest global conservation network, to discuss the concept of NbS under the framework created by the organization. To know more about IUCN please visit: https://iucn.org/⁠ The transcription of this episode is available at https://bit.ly/NbD-S01E02

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    48 min
  • S01E01 - Paul Simons - Meet the hosts
    Aug 20 2024

    In this episode we receive Paul Simons, the Founding Director of Yale Emerging Climate Leaders Fellowship at Jackson School of Global Affairs to talk about his career, the motivation to start the fellowship and introduce our hosts: Constanza, Giba, Rafa, Satrio and Sid.

    To know more about the fellowship visit https://jackson.yale.edu/international-leadership-center/climate/

    The transcription of this episode is available for download at: https://bit.ly/NbD-S01E01

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    52 min