
  • B'Yam Darkecha Avodah L'Maseh (101)
    Sep 6 2024

    B'Yam Darkecha Avodah L'Maseh (101)

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    48 min
  • The World of Rav Kook (42)
    Sep 6 2024

    The World of Rav Kook (42)

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    57 min
  • B'yam Darkecha Avoda L'maseh (97)
    May 24 2024

    This series is learning R' Itche Meir Morgenstern's sefer B'Yam Darkecha - Avoda L'maseh. It delves into chassidic concepts and teaches them in a practical & relatable way.

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    Join our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets.

    Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!

    Or in the Android App Store here!

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    53 min
  • The World of Rav Kook (37)
    May 24 2024

    This series is learning the sefer Ayekah from R' Reuven Sasson.

    Find this series on:

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    Join our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets.

    Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!

    Or in the Android App Store here!

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    1 ora
  • Meshivas Nefesh (14) Hashem Is Proud Even With the Most Insignificant Jew
    May 9 2024

    This series is learning the sefer Meshiv Nafshi by R' Nissan Dovid Kivak Shlita, a renowned Breslover mashpia. It is a commentary on the sefer Meshivas Nefesh.

    Find this series on:

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    Join our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets.

    Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!

    Or in the Android App Store here!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    52 min
  • Meshivas Nefesh (13) Hiskashrus - Connecting to the Tzaddik
    Apr 12 2024

    This series is learning the sefer Meshiv Nafshi by R' Nissan Dovid Kivak Shlita, a renowned Breslover mashpia. It is a commentary on the sefer Meshivas Nefesh.

    Find this series on:

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    Join our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets.

    Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!

    Or in the Android App Store here!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    51 min
  • B'Yam Darkecha Avodah L'Maseh (96) Get Up and Start Again
    Apr 12 2024

    This series is learning R' Itche Meir Morgenstern's sefer B'Yam Darkecha - Avoda L'maseh. It delves into chassidic concepts and teaches them in a practical & relatable way.

    Find this series on:

    Apple Podcasts


    All recent shiurim:

    Apple Podcasts


    Join our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets.

    Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!

    Or in the Android App Store here!


    00:00 Introduction

    00:30 Simcha and Personal Control

    01:05 Living in the Present

    02:35 The Power of Starting Anew

    06:12 The Concept of Falling and Rising

    09:33 The Significance of the Present Moment in Personal Growth

    19:04 Understanding Time and Renewal

    24:04 Hametz and Personal Growth

    25:20 The Power of Matzah: Embracing Change and Opportunity

    29:43 Confronting the Challenges of Pesach

    32:03 The Struggle with Past Failures and the Path to New Beginnings

    37:43 Embracing the Moment: A Call to Action and Self-Improvement

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    44 min
  • The World of Rav Kook (36) Reaching Our Deepest Space Through Mitzvohs
    Apr 12 2024

    This series is learning the sefer Ayekah from R' Reuven Sasson.

    Find this series on:

    Apple Podcasts


    All recent shiurim:

    Apple Podcasts


    Join our WhatsApp Status here! We'll be sharing updates when shiurim are posted and short nuggets.

    Check out our app in the Apple App Store here!

    Or in the Android App Store here!


    00:00 Introduction

    01:50 The Personal Aspect of Mitzvos

    03:06 Understanding the Inner Self Through Torah

    05:20 The Challenge of Connecting with our Neshama

    07:39 The Role of Mitzvos

    16:30 Navigating Modern Challenges

    17:11 The Importance of Understanding and Teaching Yiddishkeit

    25:11 Reflecting on Personal and Collective Yiddishkeit

    31:12 Emunah and Identity

    33:44 The Power of Tefillin

    35:58 Mesorah in Modern Times

    36:21 The Essence of Jewishness: Inside Out

    42:21 Challenges and Solutions in Contemporary Jewish Education

    46:04 The Impact of War and Unity Among Jews

    53:49 Confronting Indifference and Embracing Identity

    01:01:32 The Call for Teshuva and Personal Reflection

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    1 ora e 2 min