
  • Ephesians 6: Get Dressed
    Sep 2 2024

    In his brilliant finish to this beautiful letter, Paul instructs the believer how to get dressed in God's armor. Who are we to think that we can enter a world at war with just our skin on? We can't, and we shouldn't. God has provided, through the power of the Holy Spirit, spiritual armor to cover our minds, hearts, souls, spirits, and wills. Let's get dressed!

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    53 min
  • Ephesians 5: Walk Like Jesus
    Aug 26 2024

    In Ephesians 5, Paul tells us more about what it means to live in the light. Namely, it means to walk like Jesus. And that, my friend, means to love. To love God, to love others, to love our families, to love the Church. To love is to be like Jesus.

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    1 ora e 7 min
  • Ephesians 4: Not a Solo Act
    Aug 20 2024

    All too often we fall into a trap of thinking that our Christian faith is private, something we keep to ourselves. That is far from the biblical reality. In Ephesians 4, Paul pleads with the believers in Ephesus to be united in the Body of Christ - to share their gifts with one another so that together they can be built into a strong, mature body of believers.

    Following Jesus was never meant to be a solo act - we are in this together!

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    1 ora
  • Ephesians 3: The Mystery
    Aug 15 2024

    Ephesians 3 is a magnificent chapter of the Bible, full of mystery and love, drawing us straight into the heart of God. Join me as we discover the mystery of God and dive deep into the ocean of the love of Christ.

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    58 min
  • Ephesians 2: Tear Down the Walls!
    Aug 11 2024

    In the second chapter of Ephesians, Paul explains the magnificent way in which God saved us through grace and raised us on high in Christ. Because of the great way in which we were saved, there is no room for hostility or barriers. God has done the unthinkable in bringing together Jews and Gentiles into ONE family, and he has torn down the wall of separation. Let us tear down the walls in our own lives!

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    1 ora e 4 min
  • Ephesians 1 - Chosen, Lavished, Sealed
    Aug 5 2024

    Join us in a new series going verse by verse through Paul's letter to the Ephesians!

    In this magnificent opening chapter, we will learn that through Christ, God has chosen us, lavished us with his loved, and sealed us for the inheritance to come. It absolutely cannot get more beautiful than this chapter!

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    1 ora
  • Face to Face: Show Me Your Glory! (Episode 7)
    Jul 22 2024

    In the seventh and final episode on our Face to Face series with Moses, we see him seeking more and more of God's glory. The more he gets to know God, the more he wants to know God. The more he sees God, the more he wants to see of God.

    Oh! That I would be like Moses!

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    56 min
  • Face to Face: From Stranger to Intercessor (Episode 6)
    Jul 16 2024

    In the sixth episode of Face to Face, we see Moses really dig into his new role as intercessor for the people of Israel. Though he was a stranger to them all just months ago, he is now the one who prays for them and intercedes on their behalf. When they mess up, he goes up the mountain to meet with a holy God for them. When they are hungry, he asks the Giver of all things for food. When they are thirsty, he begs God to quench their thirst. He is, in every sense, their intercessor.

    What is most amazing about this is that it means that Moses has come to a place in his relationship with God that he could talk to God about anything and everything. He knew God intimately, personally, faithfully, and he was brutally honest with God in all things. Let's see how this happened in real life.

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    42 min