
  • Origami, Neurobiology & A remote trip to Vietnam w/ Alexander Pham
    Jun 25 2024
    Alex and I have been roommates for 2 years in college. So, as we part ways for the summer and beyond, this year-old conversation sums up pretty much all that makes Alex such a great dude. Eccentric interests, bubbly attitude, and a gorgeous smile - listen to us discuss how we became roommates, why he would like to have dinner with Mike Tyson, Anki vs Quizlet, and crucially, his first visit to Vietnam (his cultural home) through my camera roll!
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    1 ora e 10 min
  • Optimism, Design & How did you get your nickname? w/ Krishnav ‘Maali’ Singhal
    Jun 10 2024
    What’s the story behind a famous nickname in your friend circle? Is it as silly as the one we discussed on this episode? Filled with cackling laughter and laced with nostalgia, there really isn’t anyone better to share a conversation with than someone you’ve spent 6 years growing up in a boarding school with. Through his never-ending passion for optimism and design, a cult classic nickname, and ability to think beyond the superficial, ‘Maali’ brings out one of the most enjoyable conversations, I’ve had on this podcast. Hope you enjoy it, as much as I did :)
    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    55 min
  • K-Pop, Indian Literature & Why abacus math still haunts you in your dreams? w/ Saankhya Shrivatsa
    Jun 2 2024

    Firstly, sorry about the audio on my end. Just know that I tried my best to revert certain source changes, and nothing worked out.

    Anyway, let that not distract you from the very culturally and intellectually rich conversation that I shared with Saankh. She is not only one of the best conversationalists I know of, but also a person of many talents and interests. As you'll hear in this episode, she talks about everything ranging from pitching comic books to Carnatic Music. We delve into why abacus math failed our entire generation and the ins and outs of the K-Pop craze. Her detail, passion and laughter will surely make this a great one.

    Thanks for listening!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    1 ora e 12 min
  • Fate, Space & Why Arctic Monkeys are the 2nd worst cricket team in the world? w/ Parvathy Jayaram
    May 25 2024

    Bass, Books, Bhaijaan. It truly is the best way to describe Parvathy. Astonishingly unique and wonderfully cool, her varied interests enabled a conversation full of hysterical laughter and dotted with bits of deep insight. Explore why she would explore the depths of space over those of the ocean, why fate and destiny are not the same thing, and of course which band out of 5SOS, One Direction and Arctic Monkeys would make the best cricket team on this episode of the podcast.

    PS: This conversation was recorded almost a year ago, for contextual purposes.

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    53 min
  • Sharks, Risk-taking & What does Addison Rae's mother have to do with creativity? w/ Jaya Tewari
    May 18 2024

    Hello, and welcome to the second season! For episode 1, we have my amazing cousin Jaya Tewari.

    Jaya is one of the coolest people I know and this episode stands as proof of that. Within it, we discuss her ditching a final in Brussels, Belgium to go to the Big Surf Challenge in the small fishing town of Nazaré, Portugal. We discuss her love for sharks, Hasan Minhaj and Yung Gravy. Speaking of whom, we explore how his antics define what creativity stands for. With a light-hearted, overtly sarcastic, and beautifully authentic conversation, I could not have found a better person for the first episode. Thanks for listening, glad to be back! :)

    PS: This conversation was recorded around a year ago. Letting you know for contextual awareness!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    1 ora e 4 min
  • Season 1: Awards & Review
    Aug 27 2022

    After 300+ views from 10 countries over 8 episodes with $0 income, season one of The Absurd Window Podcast has finally arrived at an end. I received an email saying that we are ranked #69 in India for the Leisure Category on Apple Podcasts which is definitely something I guess. In the past 2 months, I have worked relatively hard, by my (not) so high standards, to bring you the best and most varied assortment of topics and people to listen to. Their views, perspectives, and stories have not only entertained me but served to invigorate a deep creative passion within me. So, as I look towards moving to University soon, I thought it would be best if I wrap it all up with a solo episode, talking about what this season has meant for me, answering your questions podcast-related and otherwise, and of course crown the champions of this season. With much love, I sign off for a few months and hope to see you all soon.



    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    37 min
  • Commerciality, Dream Sneaker Collections & are rappers actually talented? w/ Archit Oberai
    Aug 20 2022

    With the most awkward ending yet, this final episode has a mish-mash of brain-dead humour and surprisingly smart opinions. Archit is someone who is very thorough about the things he is interested in, and so it was such a pleasure learning about the pull of a sneaker collection, and trying to rationalize the obsession via comparing it to more usual collectibles. As we explored themes of expression, and why the collections are often limited to watches and shoes rather than shirts and jeans, we traversed into the world of rap. Fighting against the claim that "rappers don't have talent", we talked about how often relatability, lyricism, and other factors are amplified when someone may just gravitate towards certain music because of how it creates a vibe. Some rappers have chosen to create music with greater potential to go viral, at the expense of quality, and there is nothing wrong with that. The awareness of this fact makes it much easier to appreciate the art form that is rap. Happy Listening!



    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    39 min
  • Manifestation, Social Anxiety & what does Hannah Montana tell us about parenting? w/ Prashansa Singapuri
    Aug 14 2022

    An intense bundle of energy and excitable thoughts, Prashansa added much more energy to this episode than the ones that have come before. As we move closer to the end of season one, I have tried to incorporate your feedback on shortening these episodes into much more digestible bits. Do let me know if it has worked in retaining your attention, and making the episode seem more approachable. The content of this episode is the definition of being "all over the place". If you want to hear Prashansa roast me and this podcast, we've got that. If you want to hear our (not so) educated opinions on child psychology, we've got that. If you want to hear me narrating the struggles of celebrity children, (unfortunately) we've got that. In an episode that packs commentary on being the middle child generation, along with shit tons of laughter, I am sure that this one is going to be a good one.



    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    37 min