
  • The Beat – A Patient Podcast: Tube feeding support available
    Jul 30 2024
    The Beat - A Patient Podcast series is for people living with tube feeding and is brought to you by Nutricia. This information is intended for people who are tube feeding at home, their families, and their carers, including those registered with Nutricia Homeward, and also their healthcare professionals.

    There are over 30,000 adults and children across the UK, registered with Nutricia Homeward who are tube feeding at home.In this special series of The Beat podcast, we have been interviewing people who are tube feeding, their parents, carers, Dietitians and other healthcare professionals to help our listeners gain a deeper understanding of tube feeding at home.

    In this episode our host Helen Hynes, a Dietitian specialising in Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), talks to Gary and Steven, both of whom are ambassadors for the charity PINNT (Patients on Intravenous and Naso-gastric Nutrition Treatment). Both Gary and Steven know first hand the day to day challenges that come with being tube fed and explain how meeting others in a similar situation through PINNT made such a difference to them. Find out more about the incredible support networks across the country for those living with tube feeding.

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    28 min
  • The Beat – A Patient Podcast: Living with long-term tube feeding as a child
    Jul 30 2024
    The Beat - A Patient Podcast series is for people living with tube feeding and is brought to you by Nutricia. This information is intended for people who are tube feeding at home, their families, and their carers, including those registered with Nutricia Homeward, and also their healthcare professionals.

    There are over 30,000 adults and children across the UK, registered with Nutricia Homeward who are tube feeding at home.In this special series of The Beat podcast, we have been interviewing people who are tube feeding, their parents, carers, Dietitians and other healthcare professionals to help our listeners gain a deeper understanding of tube feeding at home.

    In this episode our host Helen Hynes, a Dietitian specialising in Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), talks to Amy, the mother of Ezekiel who has been tube fed for the past 10 years. Amy tells us about how her and her family manage day to day life, holidays and special occasions along with the inspiring ways Ezekiel has helped raise awareness about tube feeding to his friends and teachers at school.

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    26 min
  • The Beat – A Patient Podcast: Living with long-term tube feeding as an adult
    Jul 30 2024
    The Beat - A Patient Podcast series is for people living with tube feeding and is brought to you by Nutricia. This information is aimed at people who are tube feeding at home, their families, their carers - including those registered with Nutricia Homeward - and also their healthcare professionals.

    There are over 30,000 adults and children across the UK registered with Nutricia Homeward who are tube feeding at home. In this special series of The Beat podcast, we have been interviewing people who are tube feeding, their parents, carers, Dietitians and other healthcare professionals to help our listeners gain a deeper understanding of tube feeding at home.

    In this episode, our host Helen Hynes - a Dietitian specialising in Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) - speaks with Jackie, a former nurse who is fed through a feeding tube. They discuss how Jackie has adapted her life to make sure she’s able to always get the nutrition she needs, while also helping her nearest and dearest better understand her needs.

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    13 min
  • The Beat – A Patient Podcast: Starting to tube feed from a parent’s perspective
    Mar 4 2024
    The Beat - A Patient Podcast series is for people living with tube feeding and is brought to you by Nutricia. This information is intended for people who are tube feeding at home, their families, and their carers, including those registered with Nutricia Homeward, and also their healthcare professionals.

    There are over 30,000 adults and children across the UK, registered with Nutricia Homeward who are tube feeding at home.In this special series of The Beat podcast, we have been interviewing people who are tube feeding, their parents, carers, Dietitians and other healthcare professionals to help our listeners gain a deeper understanding of tube feeding at home.

    In this episode our host Helen Hynes, a Dietitian specialising in Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), speaks with two parents whose children have experienced tube feeding. Lucy, whose son Josh has a terminal illness which results in swallowing difficulties, and Billie-Jo, whose daughter Niamh is tube fed. Together, Helen, Lucy and Billie-Jo highlight the key information that they needed to know at the very beginning, how to work with schools to support children who are tube fed, and how to talk to a child and other family members about tube feeding.
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    23 min
  • The Beat – A Patient Podcast: Starting to tube feed from an adult perspective
    Mar 4 2024
    The Beat - A Patient Podcast series for people living with tube feeding and is brought to you by Nutricia. This information is intended for people who are tube feeding at home, their families, and their carers, including those registered with Nutricia Homeward, and also their healthcare professionals.

    Olivia is an 18-year-old student who has lived with tube feeding for most of her life, while Andy has been tube fed since undergoing treatment for throat cancer. In this episode of The Beat, our host Helen Hynes, a Dietitian specialising in Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), sits down with Olivia and Andy to discuss their tube feeding journey thus far; the ups and downs and the advice they would give to others.
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    24 min
  • The Beat - A Patient Podcast: Introducing your tube feeding support team
    Mar 4 2024
    The Beat - A Patient Podcast series for people living with tube feeding and is brought to you by Nutricia. This information is intended for people who are tube feeding at home, their families, and their carers, including those registered with Nutricia Homeward, and also their healthcare professionals.

    In this episode, host Helen Hynes, a Dietitian specialising in Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), introduces us to the types of healthcare professionals who will support those living with tube feeding. Joining Helen is Phil Roberts, an HEN Dietitian, Cerian Brent, a Speech and Language Therapist, and Matthew Memmott-Richardson, a Homeward Nurse. During this episode, the team discuss how their different roles work holistically together in order to support people to manage tube feeding at home and they highlight the guidance, resources and information that can help people understand more about tube feeding.
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    30 min
  • The Beat - A Patient Podcast: What is tube feeding?
    Mar 4 2024
    The Beat - A Patient Podcast series for people living with tube feeding and is brought to you by Nutricia. This information is intended for people who are tube feeding at home, their families, and their carers, including those registered with Nutricia Homeward, and also their healthcare professionals.

    In episode one of our new series, host Helen Hynes, a Dietitian specialising in Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), is joined by Phil Roberts, also a Dietitian specialising in HEN, with over 16 years of experience in tube feeding. Phil is also a PINNT ambassador.

    In this episode, Helen and Phil discuss the key aspects of tube feeding, including why someone might need to be tube fed, the different types of tube feeds, and what to expect when having a tube feed placed.

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    25 min
  • S1: Influencing with impact - brought to you in partnership with Feel Good
    Sep 18 2023
    The Beat podcast is designed for healthcare professionals only and is brought to you by Nutricia. In this mini-series in partnership with Feel Good, the experts in the psychology of people, join their specialists from the fields of nutrition, psychology, mental health, mindfulness, sleep and movement in these 20 minute ‘powershot’ podcasts to encourage you to learn on the move.

    Even when you are excelling in your technical, management or clinical skills the ability to influence, speak with candour and collaborate with colleagues, remains imperative for success. A high percentage of work pressure and conflict can come through miscommunication. While we have the best intention, the way we communicate, both with words and body language can sometimes be misunderstood, leading to frustration, conflict, pressure or delays. 

    So, how can we communicate with confidence and influence with impact? How can you build gravitas in your daily interactions? And how can you address work conflicts or misunderstandings with ease? These are some of the questions we will be exploring in this episode, alongside Business Psychologist, Jill Williams. Throughout her career, Jill has coached highly influential leaders in how to best communicate and create healthy and supportive teams.
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    38 min