• Coach’s Corner – Overcoming Call Reluctance
    Sep 27 2024

    In this episode of Coach’s Corner, Coach Carla dives into a common challenge faced by many real estate agents: call reluctance, specifically when reaching out to your sphere of influence—those people who already know, like, and trust you. Whether you're a new agent or have been in the business for years, the fear of rejection can hold you back from making those crucial connections.

    Carla discusses the fear of rejection and the stories that our ego creates to keep us from feeling discomfort. These stories often prevent us from making calls, as we imagine worst-case scenarios that rarely, if ever, come true. This episode helps reframe what rejection really is and explains why a ‘no’ today is not personal or final—it’s simply a ‘not right now.’

    Key Topics Covered:

    • Understanding Call Reluctance: Why agents feel hesitant to call their sphere and how the fear of rejection manifests.
    • What Rejection Really Is: Breaking down the myth that a ‘no’ means personal rejection.
    • The Stories Your Ego Creates: How the ego uses fear-based thoughts to keep you in your comfort zone and avoid potential rejection.
    • Redefining Rejection: Why someone not being ready to buy or sell a home isn’t a reflection of your worth as a person or agent.
    • Shifting Mindset: How to move from a sales-driven mindset to a relationship-driven approach to calls.
    • A Practical Strategy to Overcome Reluctance: Approaching each call with curiosity and a service mindset to provide value and strengthen relationships.
    • The Magic Question: How to use the question “Who do you know that might need help with real estate?” to take pressure off the conversation and activate your contact’s memory for potential referrals.

    Self-Reflection Questions to Overcome Fear:

    1. What story am I telling myself about this call?
    2. What’s the worst that could happen if they say no?
    3. Is it possible I’m taking this too personally?
    4. Have I ever had a positive experience when calling my sphere?
    5. What am I really afraid of, and is it based in reality?

    By asking these questions, you’ll uncover that much of the fear around making calls is based on stories, not facts. The more you challenge those stories, the more your fear begins to lose its power.

    Action Step:
    If you’ve been struggling with call reluctance, Carla challenges you to take action. Start with just one call today—focus on curiosity and building relationships rather than trying to make a sale. The more you practice, the easier it will become.

    Listen & Subscribe:

    • Visit DoubleDutyPodcast.com for more episodes.
    • Submit your questions or challenges for future episodes of Coach’s Corner!

    If you found today’s episode helpful, share it with another agent who might be struggling with the same challenges. Let’s keep building and growing our Double Duty businesses together!

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    13 min
  • 5 Master Keys to Unlock Success: Key #2: Creating a Time-Blocked Schedule
    Sep 25 2024

    Welcome back to the Double Duty Agent Podcast! This is the second episode in our 5 Master Keys to Unlock Success mini-series, and today we’re tackling a crucial topic—creating a time-blocked schedule. Host Carla Higgins explains why having a set schedule and sticking to it is essential for double-duty agents who don’t have time to waste. You’ll learn how to make the most of your time, how to invest every minute wisely, and how to avoid burnout while building your real estate business. Plus, we break down the 5 key responsibilities every agent must time-block to ensure success.

    Key Takeaways

    • The importance of a set schedule: Double-duty agents can’t afford to “fit real estate in the cracks.” Set specific days and hours for your real estate business.
    • Timeblocking for success: Eliminate decision fatigue by scheduling specific tasks during specific blocks of time—this keeps you focused on high-value activities.
    • 5 Key Responsibilities:
      1. Conversation Practice and Skill Building: Dedicate at least 30 minutes a week to improving your skills.
      2. Lead Generation: Spend at least 1 hour a day talking to people, building your SOI, and generating new leads.
      3. Lead Follow-up: Consistently follow up with leads to avoid leaving money on the table.
      4. Appointments: Timeblock space for listing consultations and buyer strategy sessions.
      5. Negotiating Contracts: Set aside time for contracts, and if you don’t have any in the pipeline, work on building your contract knowledge.
    • Themed Lead Generation Days: Learn how to break up lead generation into themed days (e.g., Open House leads, SOI, follow-up) to stay organized and focused.
    • Avoiding burnout: Block out time for family, self-care, and personal commitments to maintain balance and prevent exhaustion.

    Action Items for Listeners

    1. Create your schedule: Sit down and map out your week. Write down all personal, family, and work commitments, then block out your real estate work hours.
    2. Timeblock the 5 key responsibilities: Lead generation, lead follow-up, conversation practice, appointments, and contract negotiations.
    3. Incorporate themed lead generation days: Assign specific days for different types of lead generation activities.
    4. Prioritize self-care: Ensure your schedule includes time for relaxation, family, and personal commitments.

    Follow and Connect

    • Subscribe: Don’t miss an episode of the Double Duty Agent Podcast—subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
    • Connect with Carla https://doubledutypodcast.com

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    23 min
  • Coach's Corner Episode 3: Managing Overwhelm and What to Focus on to Achieve Success
    Sep 20 2024

    In today’s episode of Coach’s Corner, Carla addresses one of the most common challenges faced by dual-career agents: feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and trying to prioritize what matters most in a real estate business while juggling another demanding career. Carla shares a listener’s message that perfectly captures the struggle many double-duty agents face and provides actionable steps to cut through the noise and focus on the core job responsibilities that drive success.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Overwhelm Is Real: As a dual-career agent, you're balancing two complex worlds. It's easy to feel lost in the flood of emails, texts, social media notifications, and training opportunities. But you’re not alone—many agents feel the same way!
    • Focus on Your 5 Key Job Responsibilities:
      1. Build Your Skills & Practice Conversations: Whether you’re a new or experienced agent, constantly improving your skills is essential. Check out programs like Ignite After Dark for flexible training options. Practice your scripts and conversations regularly but keep it simple—15 to 30 minutes a few times a week can make a big difference.
      2. Lead Generation: This is about talking to people, not overcomplicating things. Set a goal to have five meaningful conversations each day, asking, "Who do you know that might need help with real estate?" Consistency is the key to building leads.
      3. Lead Follow-Up: Don't let opportunities slip through the cracks. Follow up with anyone who has shown interest and stay front of mind by keeping communication open. Consider setting up a "Follow-Up Friday" to make it easier to manage.
      4. Appointments (Listing/Buyer Strategy Sessions): Focus on helping clients achieve their goals, whether it’s selling quickly or making a smart investment. The more you practice, the more confident and natural these appointments will feel.
      5. Negotiating Contracts: Mastering negotiation skills is vital for closing deals successfully. Take contract classes, read and understand the contracts, and practice explaining them to clients.
    • Prioritization is Key: Don’t get distracted by every training, class, or notification. Focus on what moves the needle in your business—mastering the five job responsibilities—and trust that success will follow.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Ignite After Dark: Live online classes taught by top instructors for dual-career agents. Sessions run for 12 weeks, and you can join at any time. Register for either the 6:30-8:30 pm ET or 6:30-8:30 pm PT sessions.

    To attend Ignite After Dark you need to do the following:

    1. Sign up for a Free Zoom Account (if you do not already have one);

    2. Login in to Zoom

    3. Register for either the East Coast (6:30 pm Eastern) or West Coast (6:30 pm Pacific) options. After you register, you will receive a personalized access link which allows us to take attendance for the Market Center.

    West Coast Agent Registration Link 6:30-9:30 Pacific on Tuesdays: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqduGqrT4pHdNJVm_9AWl93l65zrWzJ8PH#/registration

    East Coast Agent Registration Link 6:30-8:30 Eastern on Tuesdays: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0udu6hqj0jGNcLFs3Q7vDRhHwgM27j5OmD#/registration

    • Mini-Series on Time Blocking: Listen to next Wednesday’s mini-series episode on time-blocking strategies specifical

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    21 min
  • Master Keys to Success: Part 1
    Sep 18 2024

    Welcome to Episode 21 of the Double Duty Agent Podcast! In this special series opener, host Carla Higgins introduces the first of the 5 Master Keys to Unlock Success: Unlimiting Beliefs. Carla reflects on the power of limiting beliefs—those self-imposed barriers that keep us from reaching our full potential—and walks us through a practical framework for identifying, understanding, and transforming these beliefs. You'll hear about real-life examples of agents who overcame their limiting beliefs and learn how you can begin unlimiting your own thinking to unlock new opportunities in your real estate career.

    Key Takeaways

    • What are limiting beliefs? They are stories we've told ourselves over and over until they became beliefs that hold us back from success.
    • How limiting beliefs manifest: Limiting beliefs often present themselves as excuses or reasons why we can't achieve our goals, and while they start with a circumstance or fact, these stories are not always based on truth.
    • Rewriting the story: Learn how to identify the stories you tell yourself and rewrite them into empowering, unlimited beliefs that create opportunities instead of limitations.
    • Building a new belief: Discover how to continually reinforce your new story until it replaces the old, limiting belief.

    Action Items from this Episode

    1. Identify your limiting beliefs: Write down your top goal in real estate and ask yourself, “Why haven’t I achieved this yet?” Identify the limiting beliefs holding you back.
    2. Rewrite your story: Choose one limiting belief and rewrite it into a new, empowering story.
    3. Reinforce the new belief: Use habit stacking (e.g., brushing your teeth or getting in the car) to remind yourself of your new story multiple times a day, reading it aloud and taking deep breaths to internalize it.

    Join us next week as we dive into the second Master Key: Creating a Schedule and Timeblocking that Works. This episode will help you build a schedule that supports your dual career life and ensures consistency in your real estate business. If you’ve struggled with balancing your job and real estate, this is the episode you won’t want to miss!

    Resources Mentioned

    • James Clear's Atomic Habits for habit stacking tips

    Don’t miss an episode of the Double Duty Agent Podcast—subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts or at https://doubledutypodcast.com

    Thank you for listening! If you found this episode helpful, please share it with another agent who might benefit from it. And don’t forget to tune in this Friday for Coach’s Corner!

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    24 min
    Sep 13 2024

    In today’s episode of Coach’s Corner, we’re diving into one of my all-time favorite tools for lead generation: The Magic Question. If you’ve been struggling with finding consistent leads in your real estate business, this simple question will be a total game changer. It’s a guaranteed way to grow your business, and I’m not just saying that—it really works!

    Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll learn today:

    • The Magic Question:
      “Who do you know that might need help with real estate?”
    • Why It Works:
      Learn about the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and how it primes the brain to search for leads on your behalf. It’s like recruiting an army of brains to find business for you.
    • Phil Jones’ Wisdom:
      I’ll be referencing Phil Jones’ book Exactly What to Say, which is packed with tips on how to use language to open up conversations and turn leads into opportunities. Check the show notes for links to his books!
    • Lead Generation Made Easy:
      Discover how asking this simple question just 5 times a day, 5 days a week, can activate over 100 minds per month to help find you business. You’ll have an entire marketing department working for you—without even realizing it.
    • Incorporating the Magic Question into Your Daily Life:
      Learn how to effortlessly weave this question into everyday conversations—whether it’s when you’re out running errands, at your 9-to-5 job, or just catching up with your sphere of influence. Lead generation doesn’t have to be hard; it can happen naturally.
    • The Double Duty Advantage:
      For double-duty agents balancing real estate with another job, find out how you have a unique advantage by asking this question at your day job, in the break room, or during casual conversations.
    • Take the Challenge:
      I’m challenging you to ask the Magic Question 5 times a day for the next month. By the end, you’ll have over 100 people out there looking for leads for you! This is a simple, effective way to plant seeds that will grow into future business.

    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    • Exactly What to Say by Phil Jones: https://amzn.to/3XqnSzt
    • Exactly What to Say for Real Estate Agents by Phil Jones: https://amzn.to/4e0Ei8X

    Final Thoughts:
    By making the Magic Question a habit, you can turn ordinary conversations into lead-generating opportunities. I hope you’re as excited as I am to start implementing this strategy and seeing your business grow.

    Subscribe & Review:
    If you found today’s episode helpful, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! We’d love to hear your success stories, so don’t hesitate to share them with us.

    Connect with Us: https://doubledutypodcast.com

    Keep going, keep growing, and keep asking the Magic Question. You’ve got this!

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    17 min
  • How Focus and Consistency Propelled Russ Nolting to the Top in Real Estate
    Sep 11 2024

    In this episode, we sit down with Russ Nolting, the Regional Director of the Keller Williams Colorado Region. Russ shares his incredible journey from being a high school physics teacher to becoming a key player in the real estate arena. With decades of experience, Russ provides valuable insights into the choices, actions, and mindset shifts that have propelled his success.

    An entrepreneur at heart, Russ founded Nolting Enterprises, Inc. and Nolting Real Estate, which later merged into Keller Williams Realty STL. He also hosts the "Where Entrepreneurs Thrive" podcast, offering invaluable insights from his extensive career. His expertise has earned him features in Real Producers St. Louis magazine, the St. Louis Business Journal, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. As a sought-after speaker, Russ has engaged audiences at Keller Williams global events, appeared on the Real Estate Titans podcast, and contributed to numerous panels on leadership, team building, market trends, recruiting, and sales strategies.

    Beyond his professional achievements, Russ is committed to mentoring and coaching, overseeing the activities of 3,500 REALTORS across Missouri and Colorado. He has conducted over 8,000 coaching calls, markedly improving individual and regional performances. In 2021, he initiated the Rocky Mountain Summit, an annual real estate conference in Vail, Colorado, designed to foster collaboration and innovation within the industry. Russ's journey from a local real estate agent to a respected regional director and successful entrepreneur exemplifies his dedication to continuous growth and excellence, solidifying his legacy in the real estate and business coaching sectors.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Russ’s transition from teaching to real estate

    The challenges and opportunities of working in a family business

    How Russ built a successful independent brokerage and later transitioned to a regional leadership role

    The importance of focus, consistency, and proactive actions in achieving success

    The role of coaching and mentorship in Russ’s career development

    Choices, Actions, and Mindset Shifts Highlighted:

    Choices: Focusing on income-generating activities, seeking coaching, and embracing new opportunities

    Actions: Daily lead generation, continuous personal development, and strategic networking

    Mindset Shifts: Moving from passivity to consistent activity, embracing flexibility in goals, and prioritizing energy management

    Key Takeaways:

    Success in real estate is built on daily, consistent activities that drive results.

    Coaching and mentorship can provide the guidance needed to overcome challenges and reach new heights.

    Flexibility in goals allows for adaptation and growth as opportunities arise.

    Contact Information for the Guest:

    Russ Nolting

    Links: http://linktr.ee/rtnolting

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review the Double Duty Agent Podcast. Share these inspiring stories with fellow agents who could benefit from the insights shared. To receive our weekly newsletter, please visit https://doubledutypodcast.com. Until next week, stay motivated, stay focused, and keep pushing towards your goals!

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    45 min
  • BONUS: The Myth of Work-Life Balance and Learning the Skills of Counter-Balancing
    Sep 6 2024

    Welcome to the very first episode of Coach’s Corner on the Double Duty Agent Podcast! I’m your host, Coach Carla, and today we’re diving into a concept that’s crucial for double-duty agents—counterbalancing. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed trying to achieve that elusive “work-life balance,” this episode is for you. The truth is, balance is a myth, and it could be holding you back from reaching your full potential. Instead of chasing a perfect balance, we’re going to explore the more practical and effective approach of counterbalancing.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Myth of Work-Life Balance: Why trying to balance everything equally is unrealistic and often leads to mediocrity.
    • What is Counterbalancing? Understanding how to temporarily go out of balance in one area to achieve results, then shifting focus back to other priorities.
    • The Three Buckets: Breaking down your responsibilities into three main areas—work, real estate business, and personal life—and learning how to allocate your time and energy effectively.
    • Time Blocking: How to protect your time blocks like gold and ensure that you’re giving 100% focus to what matters most in each bucket.
    • Knowing When to Shift: Tips for recognizing when it’s time to adjust your focus from one area of life to another, ensuring that nothing gets neglected for too long.

    If you found today’s episode helpful, please share it with fellow agents who could benefit from these insights! Don’t forget to leave a review, and if you have a challenge you’d like me to coach around in a future episode, head over to DoubleDutyPodcast.com to submit your challenge. I’d love to help you overcome it on an upcoming Coach’s Corner episode.

    Join us next Wednesday for an inspiring interview with a successful double-duty agent who has mastered the art of counterbalancing. And don’t forget to tune in next Friday for another Coach’s Corner episode, where we’ll tackle more challenges and share strategic plays to help you grow your business and thrive in your personal life.

    Until next time, keep rising as a double-duty agent!

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    15 min
  • Leverage with the Right Lender Partner with Keller Home Loans
    Sep 4 2024

    In this episode, we welcome Craig Davis, Area Manager for the Ohio Valley region with Keller Home Loans, and Chelsea Vandersnick, Vice President of Education at Keller Home Loans. Both Craig and Chelsea bring a wealth of experience from the mortgage and real estate industries, having started their careers as Keller Williams agents. Their unique perspectives on partnering with real estate agents, especially double-duty agents, provide invaluable insights into making these partnerships successful.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    1. Keller Home Loans’ Unique Approach:
      • How Keller Home Loans is built by agents, for agents.
      • The importance of understanding agent needs from the ground up.
    2. Training and Education for Double Duty Agents:
      • The development of on-demand training resources.
      • Leveraging digital platforms for continuous learning.
    3. Effective Communication Tools:
      • The use of video communication (e.g., BombBomb) to improve clarity and client interaction.
      • How video can help dual-career agents manage their time more effectively.
    4. Leveraging AI for Real Estate Success:
      • The role of AI in streamlining agent tasks, from client communication to lead generation.
      • Specific tools like HomeBot and ListReports that assist agents in managing their databases and predicting client readiness.
    5. The Importance of a Strong Mindset:
      • Strategies for maintaining a positive outlook in a challenging market.
      • The power of community and mentorship within Keller Williams.

    Choices, Actions, and Mindset Shifts Highlighted:

    • Choices: Choosing the right partners and tools to maximize efficiency and success.
    • Actions: Implementing proactive communication strategies and leveraging AI.
    • Mindset Shifts: Embracing a positive, growth-oriented mindset and seeking out a supportive community.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The importance of having the right vendor partners to support your real estate business.
    • Practical tips for managing a real estate business alongside other commitments.
    • How Keller Home Loans is uniquely positioned to support double-duty agents through tailored education and AI-driven tools.

    Contact Information for the Guest:

    • Craig Davis: Area Manager, Ohio Valley Region
    • Chelsea Vandersnick: Vice President of Education, Keller Home Loans
    • Website: kwlends.com

    Social Media Links for the Guest:

    • Craig Davis: Email
    • Chelsea Vandersnick: Email

    YOUR GIFT FROM CRAIG AND CHELSEA: Pair with Craig or Chelsea, Set up your profile and unlock the ListReports benefits FREE – no charge.

    Additional Resources Mentioned:

    • ListReports: listreports.com
    • HomeBot: homebot.ai
    • BombBomb: bombbomb.com

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review the Double Duty Agent Podcast. Share these inspiring stories with fellow agents who could benefit from the insights shared. To receive our weekly newsletter, please visit doubledutypodcast.com. Until next week, stay motivated, stay focused, and keep pushing towards your goals!

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    31 min