
  • S4-E36 - Merry Christmas 2024, and a big thank you to all our People of Quality
    Dec 25 2024

    This was a breakout year for Formosa Files, for which we thank our highly intelligent, "people of quality" listeners and supporters.

    John and Eryk wrap up the year with a "bits & pieces/Xmas hotpot" episode that includes everything from a non-canonical version of the goddess Mazu's birth to the fact that early Tintin comics move into the public domain on 1 January 2025.

    Oh, and we've decided on a divine mission: a search for the "Holy Bamboo" of Pingtung (or any bamboo in Pingtung Eryk can pass off as being connected to the grove that bloomed in joy when then-Crown Prince Hirohito visited in 1923.)

    This year also featured the launch of Plum Rain Press and the release of Dr. Chen Yao-Chang's major historical fiction epic, "A Tale of Three Tribes in Dutch Formosa."

    MERRY CHRISTMAS (or seasonal greeting of your choice) and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    See you in 2025!



    Bookish Asia with Plum Rian Press


    Formosa Files in Chinese

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    32 min
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH37-臺灣人最頭痛的「科目」—漫談臺灣英文教育
    Dec 25 2024

    臺灣從2017年開始全面推動雙語國家政策,然而「英語」或是「英文」一直都是臺灣人相當頭痛的學校科目之一。過去考試導向的教學方法,讓許多臺灣人對英語避之唯恐不及。這集的Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就讓兩位「母語」與「外語」剛好相反的主持人來與大家一起聊聊,臺灣英語教育的歷史與小故事。


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    14 min
    Dec 19 2024

    Harold and Alice Focht. He was an educator, she came along to keep him away from the geishas (well, some said). Hear how two middle-aged Americans saw Taiwan at, arguably, the peak of the Japanese colonial era.

    Lots of civilizing was on display – Asia’s longest bridge and the aboriginal show village of Kappanzan (beautiful modern-day Jiaobanshan). But happily, some local charms were also seen, including the unhealthy but persistent habit of chewing betel nuts, some minor disregarding of cleanliness, and local throngs gawking at big-footed Americans.

    As a bonus, Eryk and John give away two brilliant ideas for modern-day tourism related to rail pushcarts.

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    35 min
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH36-「奧會模式」的中華臺北—臺灣在國際場合的名字
    Dec 17 2024

    近期臺灣在國際上逐漸有許多亮眼的表現,尤其是各式運動競賽方面。然而臺灣一直都是以「中華臺北」的名稱出賽,甚至連「國旗」與「國歌」都不一樣。然而在1950年代,臺灣在奧會上真的是名為「臺灣」。究竟是何時改成「中華臺北」呢?中間又有什麼曲折呢?這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就由兩位主持人來與大家一起聊聊,「臺灣」與「中華臺北」的歷史故事。


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    10 min
  • S4-E34 - Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA 黃仁勳
    Dec 13 2024

    He’s a rockstar in Taiwan; swarmed by the media as he grabs a snack at a local night market while wearing his trademark leather jacket – there’s almost no chance you’ve never heard of him: Jensen Huang 黃仁勳, co-founder and CEO of Nvidia is now probably the most famous person of Taiwanese heritage in the world.

    His company is creating wonderfully terrifying chips that power AI concepts which will either help solve the world’s major problems or fulfil “The Terminator” movies prophecies.

    But how did this kind-looking 61-year-old Taiwanese American rise from his reasonably humble background in Tainan City into the ranks of IT megatitans? Formosa Files brings you the story of his early years in this week’s episode... well, as much as of it as we could find, at least.

    PLEASE DO US A FAVOR and sub, follow, or 'like' us on social media - it really helps! Thanks!

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    33 min
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH35-日漸消逝的傳統市場—市場的衰落與活化行動
    Dec 11 2024

    傳統市場是臺灣過去數代人的共同記憶。熱鬧的街邊攤販、市場建築內一字排開的商家,伴隨著市場特有的氣味與人情溫度,都是臺灣歷史中相當鮮明的一筆。然而由於社會變遷、消費型態改變,傳統市場逐漸衰落,甚至已經有許多市場建築消失了。究竟傳統市場有些什麼小故事,又能怎麼繼續存活下去呢?這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 邀請到目前正在中山大學HISP計畫服務的專案經理林心乙,跟我們一起聊聊傳統市場的過去、現在與未來。




    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    15 min
  • S4 - E33 – Dressing Up (and sometimes Stripping Off) – Taiwanese Weddings
    Dec 5 2024

    If you've been to a Taiwanese wedding this century, it was likely a much toned-down version of what these boisterous events could once be like.

    John (who apologizes for having a cold) recounts watching a wedding and a funeral 20 meters apart held at the same "auspicious" hour.

    John and Eryk explore the development of Taiwan’s seemingly Western but actually home-grown modern wedding culture. And they recall the days when it was considered normal that a wedding (or sometimes a religious ceremony) would feature performances from lightly-clothed women. Enjoy this walk down the aisle of memory lane.

    Pics, links and more at FORMOSAFILES.COM

    For books about Taiwan and East Asia, visit Plum Rain Press.

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    33 min
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH34-滅絕?生存?謎般的臺灣雲豹—臺灣山區曾有的美麗身影
    Dec 3 2024

    在一些原住民流傳至今的故事與神話中,可以窺見雲豹一直都在某些原住民族群的文化與歷史中占有非常重要的角色。而直到今日,雖然臺灣雲豹已經在研究報告中被認為滅絕,但仍然持續有零星而難以確認的目擊報告。到底這種美麗而善於隱蔽的掠食者,是否還生存在臺灣的深山老林裡呢?這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就由兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊臺灣雲豹的一些歷史小故事。


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    9 min