
  • 56. Negotiating mistakes. How to minimize conflict. Get off to a better start.
    May 30 2024

    In this episode we cover how people accidentally get into conflict. There are numerous ways family members get into a fight that nobody wanted. This episode walks through some examples of that and how to avoid it.

    In this episode we also answer questions like

    -How do I refute ideas I don't agree with?

    -What to do if another person is talking crazy?

    -How can I avoid a fight with my spouse or child?

    -How can I be a better negotiator?

    Also find me at counselorscanhelp.com

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    35 min
  • 55. Learn negotiating skills for life! Start of a series on negotiating with your spouse, teen, boss, coworker and more.
    Apr 10 2024

    Learn negotiating skills from the best. In this episode we start learning the skills of negotiating from an FBI negotiator Chris Voss. From his book "Never Split the Difference" you can learn valuable insights which can relate to problem solving and relationships. This show will begin a series on negotiating.

    In this episode we answer questions like..

    -How do I start a negotiation?

    -What mistakes are made in negotiations?

    -How can I negotiate when the other person doesn't know what they want?

    -How can I negotiate if I don't know what I want?

    -Can the FBI teach me negotiating skills?

    -Where can I learn negotiating techniques?

    See me also at counselorscanhelp.com

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    31 min
  • 54. A pep talk or RANT on relationships and solving conflict. A review.
    Feb 22 2024

    In this show I do a review of conflict and where people generally go wrong. Where do we typically bog down? If we are getting upset due to a long-standing story, we tend to perpetuate more of the same. The argument just continues. Hope is lost. This show is trying to regain hope and talk about more examples that may be more effective. We discuss needs, nonviolent communication and the hope of "what is going right" and encouraging each other.

    In this show we answer questions about

    -How can we change the negative cycle in a relationship?

    -How can we get a better relationship?

    -How can we resolve a dispute if we both dig in?

    See me also on counselorscanhelp.com

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    31 min
  • 53. More on how to keep change on track. Where does change collapse?
    Feb 17 2024

    In this show I will discuss the main reason change gets off the rails. Usually it is a situation that is overwhelming. People get overwhelmed by the whole situation in their lives. For that reason, it is hard to stay on track because new problems arise and we now have a game of whack-a-mole. This constant awareness of what is wrong and new fires to put out is just exhausting. For this reason, change has to make priorities and stick to them. This is difficult and I will discuss how to navigate this.

    In this episode I will answer

    -How to keep change on track?

    -Why do people usually give up on change?

    -How can I learn to take on problems one by one?

    -Who can help me with change?

    Also see me on counselorscanhelp.com

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    27 min
  • 52. How to get started with change. Where to begin?
    Jan 29 2024

    In this show we discuss how to begin the change process. In general, the recommendation is to start easy. Start with what you can handle. This will be different for different people. It is up to you to set the starting strategy.

    In this show we answer

    -How do I get started with change?

    -What typically leads to failing to start a new habit?

    -Why do people recommend you start small with change?

    -Shouldn't I wait until I feel better to start change?

    See me on counselorscanhelp.com

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    21 min
  • 51. Keeping change on track. 2 great strategies to keep motivation high!
    Jan 23 2024

    Numerous times we attempt change and don't succeed. It is important to take a quick look into what usually gets people off track and how to stay motivated. In this episode we discuss the deadly comparisons that people make and how to spot a negative cycle and actually develop a plan for the future.

    In this episode we discuss

    -How can I stay motivated to make change?

    -Can comparison be good?

    -Can comparison be harmful and how to keep it productive?

    -How to identify my bad habits?

    -Why are habits hard to change?

    -Can we make habits easier to change?

    We me also on counselorscanhelp.com

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    24 min
  • 50. The mindset of change. How to make change that lasts
    Jan 6 2024

    In this episode we will cover the idea of the mindset of change. What does it take to make lasting and effective change? Many times we focus on the outcome and the process, but not the mindset needed. Therefore, change becomes much more difficult. What is the mindset needed to create a better environment for lasting change?

    In this episode we will answer

    -How can I learn to make lasting change?

    -What usually leads to the unsuccessful change attempts?

    -What is the mindset of change?

    -What is a great resource for change?

    See me also on counselorscanhelp.com

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    17 min
  • 49. How to think about change or a New Year's Resolution plan? What is time preference and how to use it?
    Jan 1 2024

    In this episode I set up the idea of time preference. Many people want to make changes or decide a new year's resolution. What to choose? Time preference is a mentality that will really help identify the next step. Time preference is assessing if you have short term or long term goals. This episode will introduce a new way of thinking about how you look at problems and the world. In following episodes we will discuss how to take this into action in the following episode.

    In this episode we answer the following questions

    -How do I decide what needs changing?

    -What is time preference?

    -How do I learn to think more long-term?

    -What is short-term vs long-term thinking?

    -Why have I probably made bad choices in the past?

    -Can I make changes if I don't think I have a future?

    -What mentality is needed to make long-term change

    See me on counselorcanhelp.com

    In this

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    26 min