
  • “Be A Man” Project Helps Us Understand Teen Boys
    Sep 12 2024
    SheKnows’ “Be a Man” project is an “exploration of what it means to be a man today,” says Erika Janes, a “boy mom” and SheKnows editor-in-chief.Importantly, the project includes teen boys and gives them an opportunity to share their thoughts about manhood and masculinity. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the boys’ responses reflect our still-evolving understanding of gender. Crying, for instance, is still seen as a term with strongly feminine connotations, “but almost every boy we talked to said that they did cry,” Janes says. “They still feel like there’s a stigma to boys and men crying, but for the most part, almost of all of them said, ‘I cry at times.'”Boys, she says, “still get so many messages about traditional masculinity — ‘don’t cry, be strong, be a man.’ But they need to be allowed to express healthy emotion, to express vulnerability, to be able to cry and express sadness. We need to understand and accept that teen boys have all the same emotions as teen girls and that it’s healthier if they have outlets to express them.”Takeaways:The Be A Man project on She Knows provides a comprehensive look into the lives of teen boys, covering topics such as masculinity, mental health, and social media.It is important to include and listen to teen boys in conversations about their experiences and perspectives.Parents of boys may face challenges in understanding and raising boys, but it is important to provide support and guidance.The project aims to provide advice and resources for parents navigating these topics with their teen boys.Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:We Asked 4 Teen Boys to Test New Fall Fragrances – Here’s What They Said – SheKnows articleThe Response to Tim Walz’s Son’s Proud Tears at the DNC is a Telling Look at Masculinity & Emotion — SheKnows articleHow Teen Boys View Male Celebrities & Masculinity, from Ryan Reynolds to Timothee Chalamet — SheKNow articleGender Equality, Boys, & Men — ON BOYS episode featuring Richard V. ReevesBoyMom Ruth Whippman on Reimaging Boyhood — ON BOYS episodeDr. Niobe Way on Reimagining Boys — ON BOYS episodeSponsor Spotlight: LumenUnderstand your metabolism! Go to lumen.me/ONBOYS to save 15% on LumenSponsor Spotlight: ArmoireClothing rental subscription that makes getting dressed easier. Visit armoire.style/ONBOYS to get up to 50% OFF your first month.Sponsor Spotlight: AvoilaSponsor Spotlight: Artifact Uprising1st time buyers get 20% off (& returning customers get 15% off) with code ONBOYSSponsor Spotlight: IXLThe world’s most popular subscription-based learning site for K–12! Get 20% off at ixl.com/TODAYAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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    43 min
  • What’s the Goal of Youth Sports?
    Sep 5 2024
    What is the goal of youth sports? It seems like an obvious question with an obvious answer. Isn’t the goal to provide kids with an opportunity to play sports? And to develop skills, teamwork, and camaraderie along the way?Historically, those were indeed the goals of youth sport. Many parents & kids still pursue those goals. But some parents & players have other goals: A scholarship. College admission. The youth sports industry also has a goal: To make money.Pay-to-PlayMany of today’s youth sports team use a pay-to-play model: parents pay (often exorbitant amounts) for their kids to play. Some youth sports organizations frame this cost as an “investment” and mention ROI — return on investment — on their websites. The required investment isn’t only financial; parents & families now invest a lot of time into sports practices, games, & tournaments.“What used to be very much a youth-driven activity has changed into more of an adult-driven model,” says Jean Linscott, co-author of What is the Goal?: The Truth About the Youth Sports Industry. And because the adults have invested so much, they have an incentive to keep kids playing. This, Jean says, “is an enormous difference from playing for fun and playing for the love of the game.”The first thing young parents should understand, if they’re considering signing a child up for a pay-to-play team, is that “this is a lifestyle choice,” says Kenneth Ruoff, Jean’s husband & co-author. “They should be putting aside 40 weekends a year for the next 10 years if you stick with pay-to-play sports through the high school years.”Sadly, there’s no strong evidence to suggest that this investment of time & money is beneficial to most families or athletes. “We talked to a lot of the top coaches in Oregon and they basically burst out laughing when we asked them if travel tournaments had any role in player development,” Ken says. “They said, ‘No, it’s ridiculous; they have no role, especially at the younger ages.’ So all that money that is being spent on travel tournaments is playing no role in developing the kids as athletes.”The Unacknowledged Costs of Youth SportsBecause of the tremendous costs associated with many youth sports teams, many kids do not have an opportunity to play or participate. And many children who do play experience physical and mental injuries, in part because they begin playing so young and often play year-’round.“The impact of this model means that there are big problems with overuse injuries and burnout,” Jean says.”Early specialization in sports is disastrous for the bodies and minds of children,” Ken adds.Unfortunately, in many places, there aren’t viable alternatives to the current pay-to-play youth sports model. Rec teams have faded or disappeared due to lack of funding and coaches. School teams may or may not be an option – but in many places, if a young athlete doesn’t also play on a travel team, they have little chance of earning a spot on a school team.Questions to Ask Before Signing for a Travel TeamBefore signing your child up for a pay-to-play, elite, or travel team, Jean says you should ask these “important, tough” questions:Do you track injury rates? What types of injuries are most common?Do you conduct exit interviews when families leave the club? What are the primary reasons athletes & families leave?What is your youth athlete development model?Be forewarned, however. Asking these questions does not guarantee that you’re doing to get a straight answer. It’s also a good idea to talk to a number of families who have been involved with the club or team, including those who no longer participate.Takeaways:The likelihood of receiving a college scholarship through youth sports is extremely low, and parents should consider alternative ways to fund their child’s education.Extricating oneself from the youth sports system can be challenging, but it is important to prioritize the well-being and interests of the child.Questioning the youth sports industry and advocating for affordable and inclusive options is crucial for the overall development of children.The emphasis on elite athletes and the pressure to participate in pay-to-play clubs can exclude many children and create unrealistic expectations.Sportswear companies play a role in the youth sports industry, but their focus on profit and exclusivity can hinder accessibility and development.Preferential admission for athletes in higher education perpetuates the socioeconomic elite and needs to be reevaluated.Parents have the power to ask questions, challenge the status quo, and advocate for changes that prioritize the well-being and enjoyment of youth sports.Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:What is the Goal?: The Truth About the Youth Sports Industry, by Jean Linscott & Kenneth RuoffWhole Child Sports: An Alternative to Toxic Youth Sports Culture — ON BOYS episodeLinda Flanagan: Youth Sports ...
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    55 min
  • Back to School w a 5th Grade Teacher
    Aug 29 2024
    It’s back-to-school time! What does this time of year look like for you & your family? Does your son dread back-to-school? Do you? Or, do you welcome that start of a new school year?Rob Vaughn, a 5th grade teacher, is one of the (too) few male elementary school teachers in the United States.Masculinity in 5th gradeWhen we asked Rob about his experiences in school when he was a boy, he told us, “I was a different kind of boy.” He says he wasn’t a “sporty jock,” but “quiet,” “introverted,” and “nerdy.” He remembers being shy and feeling overwhelmed.The boys in his class exhibit a broad range of masculinity. There are the “dude” and “jocks,” Rob says, and at least as many boys how are “not stereotypical boys.” These guys like video games and stuffed animals, imaginative play, and art. They are sensitive — and so are the boys who like sports.Kids today, he says, aren’t as strictly adhering to gender roles as kids were a generation ago.“I’m finding that boys and girls are working together really well & openly, at least in my school,” Rob says. “Some of them are really great friends & some of the boys are really into ‘girl stuff.’ And they’re good at talking about their feelings!”He is working to overcome lingering biases left over from his own childhood. Rob has noticed that his brain often thinks “tough kid” when he sees a boy in football gear, for instance. “I need to remember that they are still little kids and they are sensitive – even though they are acting like the celebrities they see,” he says.He’s noticed boys emulating the behavior of online influencers and celebrities, including in less-than-desirable ways, such as arguing with referees or reacting with over-the-top rage when they lose a game. “It’s almost like there are little boys who are trying to be men, only the men they’re trying to be aren’t actualy men; they’re parodies of men that we’re seeing on social media.”5th grade boys, Rob says, are grappling with “who am I? and who am I supposed to be?” at the same time they’re “dealing with hurt feelings and missing their mom.”At the 5th grade level, boys tend to be less physically and emotionally mature than their female counterparts. At that age, boys are “not at a stage where they want to sit and discuss big ideas for as long” as the female students, Rob says. The boys, he says, “are operating at a level that’s a little sillier & younger.”Teaching boys and girls together — and honestly talking about development and challenges — can enhance understanding and empathy.Takeaways:Creating a sense of community in the classroom and giving students responsibilities can enhance their learning experience.Setting high expectations for students and empowering them to make choices can help build their independence.Fifth grade is a critical stage of development, with students experiencing the beginning stages of puberty and undergoing brain remodeling.Boys and girls in fifth grade are not always adhering to traditional gender roles, and they are grappling with societal expectations and their own identities.Social-emotional learning is an important aspect of the curriculum, focusing on skills such as empathy, communication, and self-awareness. Boys and girls may have different levels of maturity and focus in the classroom, with boys often being more active and playful.Societal expectations and media portrayals of masculinity can influence boys’ behavior and attitudes towards girls.Teaching boys about consent and respect for girls is crucial in creating a safe and inclusive environment.Parents and educators play a vital role in shaping boys’ behavior and attitudes towards girls.Building a strong foundation of respect and empathy in the early years can help boys navigate societal pressures and develop into confident and respectful men.Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:Where Are All the Male Teachers? — Good Men Project articleLisa Damour on the Emotional Lives on Teens — ON BOYS episodeMale Role Models — BuildingBoys post about male Olympians in the 2024 Summer OlympicsGender Equality, Boys, & Men — ON BOYS podcast featuring Richard V. Reeves (which coverrs redshirting boys in school)Erin’s Law — more info on the law that mandates child sexual abuse preventionMark Rober — YouTuber Rob mentioned during our conversationSponsor Spotlight: AvoilaUse code ONBOYS to save 10% when you shop Avoila Nourishing Face Oil Sponsor Spotlight: ByHeart Get 10% off your first order using code ONBOYS at byheart.comAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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    43 min
  • Steve Biddulph Discusses the Wild Creature Mind
    Aug 22 2024
    The right hemisphere of your brain is your “wild creature mind,” says Steve Biddulph, the Australian author, psychologist, and family therapist known for his work on parenting and child development (including his seminal book Raising Boys).It is richly connected to our body & memories, including memories that we no longer consciously recall. It communicates with us constantly via bodily sensations, sending us important messages.We can tap into that, and we can help our children tap into that — and, in doing so, help us all realize that “emotions are not the whole story,” Steve says.Try using the phrase “there is something in me” when discussing emotions and the accompanying sensations. There is a big difference between “I am furiously angry” and “There is something in me that is furiously angry.” That linguistic tweaking allows you to gain a bit of separation, to observe and notice your thoughts and sensations. The goal is not to eliminate the feeling or sensation, but to learn from it.Anxiety isn’t something to eliminateAnxiety isn’t necessarily problematic. It’s not a troublesome emotion that needs to be eliminated, Steve says.“Anxiety is your wild creature mind, slashing at the bars, yelling at you,” he says. “Rightly or wrongly, it wants to get your attention about something.” So, when you feel anxiety, pause. Feel where it lives in your body. Try describing those sensations to yourself. Value, rather than dismiss, the sensations and experience of anxiety.Your wild creature mind — the right hemisphere of your brain — is intended to work in conjunction with the left hemisphere of your brain. Yet because our societies have long prioritized rational, logical thinking, many of us have learned to ignore the stirrings of our wild creature mind. Tapping into it will allow us to “walk more slowly through life, love more deeply, and be happy with less,” Steve says. Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:stevebiddulph.com — Steve’s online homeWild Creature Mind: The Neuroscience Breakthrough that Helps You Transform Anxiety and Live a Fiercely Loving Life, by Steve BiddulphFully Human with Raising Boys Author Steve Biddulph — ON BOYS episodeSteve Biddulph on Raising Boys — ON BOYS episode Sponsor Spotlight: ByHeart Get 10% off your first order using code ONBOYS at byheart.com Sponsor Spotlight: LumenUnderstand your metabolism! Go to lumen.me/ONBOYS to save 15% on LumenSponsor Spotlight: ArmoireClothing rental subscription that makes getting dressed easier. Visit armoire.style/ONBOYS to get up to 50% OFF your first month.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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    37 min
  • Dr. Niobe Way on Reimagining Boys
    Aug 15 2024
    Boys know that deep friendships are critical to mental health, says Dr. Niobe Way, a developmental psychologists who’s been studying boys for 40 years.But as boys move through their teenage years, many of them — as many as 70-80% — find it difficult to connect with other boys. Why? “Boy culture,” says Dr. Way, author of Rebels with a Cause: Reimagining Boys, Ourselves, & Our Future, noting that she uses that term to describe the stereotypical “boy” expectations which state that boys & men should be strong & indepedent. And in many cultures, that “boy culture” has spread to the culture at large.“Sucess, manhood, & modernity privilege the need for autonomy, not the need for connection,” Dr. Way says. The message most of us get is that maturity = self-sufficiency.That message may be harming the mental health of all of us, as humans as meant to be inter-dependent.Rebels, Dr. Way says, is not solely about boys & men, but about all of us & the culture in which we live. “Everybody needs relationships, connections, and friendships,” she says.Learning from boys to improve life for us all“We come into the world with natural relational intelligence, and we don’t value it,” Dr. Way says. So, we need to “nurture our 5-year-old capacity to look at each other with wonder, and rather than say, ‘what’s wrong with you?’, to say, ‘what can I learn from you, about you, & also about me?””Dr. Niobe Way says that we in the United States (& many countries) over-attribute boys’ & mens’ behavior to biology. Yes, biology influences & affects male behavior. But culture also plays a critical role — as evidenced by the fact that other cultures throughout the world & history live out male friendships differently.“The reality is that we used to be a very different culture in terms of valuing our ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ sides,” she says.Recognizing the impact of culture frees us up to make necessary changes. Because as a 7th grade boy once told Dr. Way, “When we make things biology, we think we can’t change it.”All humans can be a-holes; all can be compassionate. All have relational intelligence that needs to be nurtured.“Kids do come into the world with different temperments,” Dr. Way says. “We shouldn’t immediately assume that boys who have trouble expressing their feelings are ‘troubled.'” She advises parents to “move past the idea that they [boys] have to express themselves to us,” noting that many kids directly resist parental pressure.Instead, we should help our children develop healthy, mutually-supportive relationships. Start by normalizing the desire to be deeply connected to other people. (Talk about it with your boys!) Engage in a dialogue about relationships — and that may include sharing some info about your own joys & challenges in relationships with fellow humans. Expresse curiosity, rather than judgment.Stop focusing so much time and attention on academics. Help kids build relationships instead.Takeaways:Boys have a strong desire for close friendships and articulate the need for emotional connection and support.Friendships are linked to boys’ mental health and well-being.Boys often struggle to form and maintain deep friendships as they get older, which can lead to a crisis of connection.Boy culture, which devalues emotional expression and connection, plays a significant role in boys’ ability to form and maintain friendships.The findings from boys’ experiences can teach us about the importance of relationships and connection for all individuals, regardless of gender. Boys are capable of deep emotional connections, but may not express themselves as much as girls due to societal expectations.Parents should focus on helping their children develop healthy relationships with others, rather than solely relying on emotional expression towards them.Normalizing the desire for deep connections and valuing children’s curiosity and opinions is crucial for their emotional well-being.Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:www.niobe-way.comRebels with a Cause: Reimagining Boys, Ourselves, & Our Future, by Dr. Niobe WayDeep Secrets: Boys’ Friendships & The Crisis of Connection, by Dr. Niobe WayTogether: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World, by (U.S. Surgeon General) Vivek MurthyPink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow Into Troublesome Gaps – and What We Can Do About It, by Dr. Lise EliotWhen Boys Become Boys: Development, Relationships, and Masculinity, by Judy ChuThe Listening ProjectDr. Friendtastic on Boys & Friendship — ON BOYS episodeWhy Now is the Best Time to Raise Boys (w Michael Reichert) — ON BOYS episode Sponsor Spotlight: ByHeart Get 10% off your first order using code ONBOYS at byheart.com Sponsor Spotlight: ArmoireClothing rental subscription that makes getting dressed easier. Visit armoire.style/ONBOYS to get up to 50% OFF your first month.Jen in a fun ...
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    55 min
  • Circumcision: Facts & Myths
    Aug 1 2024

    Circumcision is a decision every boy parent must face – but what’s the truth behind the practice?

    Let’s break down the facts and dispel the myths.

    Culture & emotion influence circumcision rates

    Surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis is incredibly common in some cultures & very rare in others. In the United States, approximately. 58% of male newborns are circumcised. But rates vary greatly by region – in the Midwest, it’s 74%; on the West coast, it’s 30%.

    Globally, about 1 in 3 males are circumcised, with great variation across countries and continents. In Australia, the circumcision rate is 27%. In Germany, it’s 11%. Zimbabwe, 9.2%. Italy, 3%. Ireland, 1%. Uganda, 26.7%.

    “The variation is really accounted for my cultural differences,” says Tim Hammond, executive director of the Genital Autonomy Legal Defense & Education Fund (GALDEF). He notes that circumcision is not recognized as healthcare in many countries — with some countries considering the procedure medically harmful. Myths, misinformation, superstition, and religion are often at the heart of the cultural reasons for circumcision.

    “What I’ve learned in 35+ years of being involved in this issue is that it really comes down to an emotional decision,” Hammond says.

    Circumcision isn’t medically necessary

    Removal of the foreskin may confer some health benefits, including a reduced risk of urinary tract infections (UTIS), decreased risk of sexually transmitted infection (STIs), and a decreased risk of penile and cervical cancer.

    However, there are other, less invasive ways for children to experience the same benefits, without undergoing surgical removal of the foreskin. Excellent hygiene can prevent many UTIs – and oral antibiotic treatment can easily treat UTIs. Consistent use of condoms during sexual activity can decrease the risk of STIs, including human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes penile and cervical cancer. HPV vaccination can also prevent HPV infection.

    Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:

    Genital Autonomy Legal Defense & Education Fund (GALDEF)

    Circumcision: Where We Stand — American Academy of Pediatrics

    Aug. 3 Double Feature Documentary Screening: Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying No to Circumcision and Facing Circumcision: 8 Doctors Tell Their Stories

    Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, by Ronald Goldman




    Sponsor Spotlight: ByHeart

    Get 10% off your first order using code ONBOYS at byheart.com

    Sponsor Spotlight: Armoire

    Clothing rental subscription that makes getting dressed easier. Visit armoire.style/ONBOYS to get up to 50% OFF your first month.

    Jen in one of her favorite Armoire rentals

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    50 min
  • Understanding & Supporting Neurodivergent Boys
    Aug 1 2024
    How do we best support neurodivergent boys?Approximately 12% of boys in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD. About 3% are on the autism spectrum. 18% of boys have dyslexia. An untold number are gifted – &, of course, many boys are 2e, or twice-exceptional, with more than one of these conditions.Dr. Matt Zakreski was one of those boys. “My backpack always looked like a bomb went off, I always forgot there were tests but could study 3 minutes before the test and get a 92,” says Dr. Matt, author of Neurodiversity Playbook: How Neurodivergent People Can Crack the Code of Living in a Neurotypical World.His obvious-in-hindsight ADHD wasn’t noticed or address until he was in high school.Neurodiversity affects the intellectual, social, and emotional development of neurodivergent boys.”You have have a 10 year-old who’s intellectually 15 but socially, they’re 8,” Dr. Matt says, noting that neurodivergent boys need support both where they’re “ahead” of their similarly aged peesr and where they’re “behind.”Living with & Supporting Neurodivergent Boys“Be curious, not furious,” Dr. Matt advises. Instead of getting mad when your child does (or doesn’t do!) something, get curious. Don’t assume that the child is being defiant, disobedient, or trying to annoy you. Remind yourself, “this child has needs that I don’t necessarily understand right now.” Take some deep breaths or do whatever else you need to do to calm yourself first. Then, get curious: ask your child what’s going on. Listen carefully. You’ll likely learn more about your child & strengthen your relationship.Parenting neurodivergent kids will also include helping kids learn how to manage their attraction to things that feel good in the moment but may be harmful in excess. (Think: screens). Compromise — and demonstrating understanding & empathy for your kid’s interests and goals — can help.Neurodivergent-friendly environments are crucial for the success and well-being of neurodivergent children. You are not impairing their ability to cope or function in the broader world by considering your son’s unique needs.“Resiliency is not just working harder,” Dr. Matt says. “You build resiliency fastest and most generalizable through the things you like to do the most.” Giving boys plenty of opportunities to pursue the activities and problems that interest them also gives them opportunities to develop intellectually, socially, and emotionally.Takeaways:Neurodivergent individuals have unique brains that develop asynchronously, with strengths in certain areas and challenges in othersUnderstanding and supporting neurodivergent children requires looking beyond academics and considering their social, emotional, and developmental needsParenting neurodivergent children involves being curious, not furious, and finding compromises that meet both the child’s needs and the parent’s boundariesSetting reasonable limits on screen time and using a third-door solution approach can help navigate conflicts around technology usePsychoeducation, explaining how a child’s brain works and why certain behaviors occur, can empower children and reduce self-blame. Neurodivergent boys often struggle with self-regulation and may exhibit behaviors that are coping strategiesProviding neurodivergent boys with a customized playbook of coping strategies can help them manage their emotions and impulsesNeurodivergent-friendly environments, such as schools and activities, are crucial for the success and well-being of neurodivergent boysIt is important to fight against gender stereotypes and embrace the unique strengths and interests of neurodivergent boysLinks we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:Neurodiversity Playbook: How Neurodivergent People Can Crack the Code of Living in a Neurotypical World, by Dr. Matt Zakreskiwww.drmattzakreski.comBuilding Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World That Misunderstands Males, by JenSponsor Spotlight: ByHeart Get 10% off your first order using code ONBOYS at byheart.com Sponsor Spotlight: LumenUnderstand your metabolism! Go to lumen.me/ONBOYS to save 15% on Lumen Sponsor Spotlight: ArmoireClothing rental subscription that makes getting dressed easier. Visit armoire.style/ONBOYS to get up to 50% OFF your first month.Jen in one of her favorite Armoire rentalsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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    56 min
  • Jonathon Reed: To Connect with Boys, Listen
    Jul 25 2024

    To connect with boys, you must first listen, says Jonathon Reed, program manager for NextGenMen.

    Societal expectations of boys & men are gradually shifting. These shifting narratives are part of why it’s so important for adults to listen to boys. Adults’ interpretation and understanding of situations and interactions doesn’t necessarily reflect boys’ complex experiences, and neither does our language or approach.

    “We’ve got to look to them as the leaders in this conversation,” Reed says.

    Approach with Curiosity

    Teens (and humans of all ages) tend to shut down and stop listening to people who don’t seem to be listening. By adolescence, most boys know that the world isn’t simply black or white; they’re ready to explore the grey. If you want to connect you boys, approach conversations with curiosity.

    “Curiosity lays the possibility for an impactful conversation,” Reed says. Then, listen. Don’t dismiss what boys are telling you; dwell on the awkwardness they share and express.

    Remember, too, that boys won’t necessarily tell you about their problems. “If boys are struggling, often they’re struggling in silence,” Reed says. “There’s still a stigma against asking for help, particularly when it also means admitting a weakness or a vulnerability.” Create a sense of safety to connect with boys.

    Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:

    NextGenMen website

    Raising Next Gen Men — ON BOYS episode

    Breaking the Boy Code — ON BOYS episode

    Teen Boys Emotional Lives — ON BOYS episode

    Creating Consent Culture: A Handbook for Educators, by Marcia Baczynski and Erica Scott

    Boys & Sex with Peggy Orenstein — ON BOYS episode

    Sponsor Spotlight: ByHeart

    Get 10% off your first order using code ONBOYS at byheart.com

    Sponsor Spotlight: Dabble & Dollop

    Natural bath products for kids. Visit dabbleandollop.com/onboys to get 20% OFF your first order!

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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    47 min