Risultati di "Plum" in Tutte le categorie
Ghosting Mary Jane
- Di: Madelynn Plum
- Versione originale
Join Madelynn Plum in Ghosting Mary Jane, a candid dive into quitting marijuana after 20 years of daily use. With humor, honesty, and the occasional existential crisis, Madelynn shares the highs and lows of breaking free from her long-time companion, Mary Jane. Expect raw stories of challenges, victories, and unexpected lessons. Whether you're considering quitting, curious about life beyond the haze, or just love a good transformation story, Ghosting Mary Jane is relatable and inspiring. Got your own story? Share it at ghostingmaryjane@gmail.com—we might feature you on the show!
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Plumes de Gaia - Daisy & Julie Bodin
- Di: Plumes de Gaia
- Versione originale
Bienvenue dans notre univers inspirant et lumineux ! Que vous soyez femme d’affaires, femme amour, femme magicienne de votre vie, il ne tient qu’à vous de puiser dans les profondeurs des sagesses de nos podcasts pour faire émerger la puissance de votre âme. Se réaliser pleinement dans sa vie, vivre sa magie, sa sorcellerie, c’est écouter les rythmes qui bercent votre vie et votre corps. C’est incarner et se mouvoir totalement dans la roue des cycles de vie, des cycles des saisons, cette danse incessante et impermanente qui vous entraîne dans un processus d’éveil et d’...
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Plum schreibt... - Der Storycast
- Di: Thomas Plum
- Versione originale
"Your Story" So nennt sich die zweite Staffel meines Podcasts. Apropos "Podcast". Den Namen des Podcasts habe ich auch geändert. "Sturz eines Siegers" wird nun zu Staffel 1 und in Staffel 2 möchte ich Euch allen Kurzgeschichten erzählen... Ne... auch nicht so wirklich wahr. Ich LASSE Euch in Staffel 2 meine Kurzgeschichten von jemand anderem erzählen. Von 13... oder 14???... Freund*innen. Das Besondere: Die Kurzgeschichten durfte sich jede und jeder ein stückweit selber aussuschen, indem man mir das Genre und auch die ein oder anderen Schlagwörter nennt. Hört selbst. Viel Spaß!
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Hypnose Poids Plume
- Di: Hypnose Poids Plume - Programme anti troubles alimentaires
- Versione originale
Ces séances d'hypnose guidées font parties du programmes des 21 jours d'hypnose. Elles ont pour objectif de vous aider à vous défaire des crises alimentaires, comme l'anorexie, la boulimie ou l'hyperphagie grâce à la gestion des émotions "négatives". Ces séances vous aideront à travailler sur la gestion du poids, des troubles alimentaires (TCA) ainsi qu'à travaillier à se défaire du stress, de l'absence de confiance en soi, mais aussi du sentiment de honte ou de culpabilité qui génèrent souvent des compulsions alimentaires. Robin est Hypnothérapeute spécialisé dans les ...
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El podcast de Lápiz&Pluma
- Di: Lápiz&Pluma
- Versione originale
Este podcast está pensado para todas esas personas que desean entrar en el mundo de la informática y del diseño ya seas estudiante o simplemente porque quieres cambiar de trabajo. Hablaremos de herramientas, consejos, situaciones reales, proyectos y mas cosas. Todas las semanas un nuevo episodio. Para mas info no te olvides de visitar https://lapizypluma.es
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Paroles de Plumes
- Di: Paroles de Plumes
- Versione originale
Bienvenue sur le podcast de Paroles de Plumes par Marie F Florie, le podcast de conseils et motivations en écriture et communication. Je m'appelle Marie, je suis rédactrice web, chargée de communication et autrice et via Paroles de Plumes, je veux lier ma passion pour l'écriture avec mes compétences en communication. Conseils, témoignages, interviews, bonne humeur, retrouve tous mes conseils pour t'aider à progresser dans l'écriture de ton roman et ainsi atteindre tes objectifs livresques. Retrouve moi sur instagram : @parolesdeplumes Par Marie F Florie
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Con Pluma Papel: El Podcast
- Di: Con Pluma Papel
- Versione originale
Bienvenidos al podcast de la editorial Con Pluma Papel, donde hablaremos sobre la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil y todos los aspectos que la rodean, incluyendo: consejos de escritura, entrevistas a autores, editores, correctores e ilustradores, lectura de cuentos, temas editoriales y más.
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Customer Experience, First - a podcast series powered by Plume
- Di: Customer Experience First - a podcast series powered by Plume
- Versione originale
Welcome to the Plume podcast series: Customer Experience, First. Plume is the creator of the world's first SaaS experience platform for Communications Service Providers and their subscribers, deployed in more than 30 million homes globally. In this six-part series, your business can learn about Plume's range of services and products that all Communications Service Providers (CSPs) can use to develop engaging customer-facing services. This new podcast series covers how Plume’s innovative technology pushes the performance of Wi-Fi to the next level for small businesses in particular. How Plume...
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Pin' ton Business par La plume rose
- Di: Pin' ton Business par La plume rose
- Versione originale
Experte Pinterest au sein de la formation l'Épingle Digitale et fondatrice de l'agence Write & Gold, spécialisée dans la création, je t'aide au travers de ce podcast à développer ton business, ton mindset et aussi ton compte Pinterest ! Un concentré d'astuces appliquables facilement, de méthodes à mettre en place sur ton compte Pinterest pour te lancer ou pour optimiser tes résultats, mon expérience d'entrepreneure ainsi que des interviews invités pour toujours plus d'inspiration ! Enchantée, je m'appelle Mélanie, et j'aide les entrepreneures à être plus visible avec leur ...
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Sugar Plum Bakes Wedding Business Podcast
- Di: Vaani Wadman Wedding Business Mentor & Owner of Sugar Plum Bakes
- Versione originale
A wedding business podcast full of tips and advice from myself and my guests. We will be sharing our knowledge, advice and tips to help you grow your creative business in the wedding industry. I'm your host, Vaani Wadman. I'm a UK based cake designer and wedding business mentor and I hope through listening to these podcast episodes that you will find inspiration, gain confidence and learn strategies that you can use to improve your visibility and connect with the right suppliers and ideal client. So what are you waiting for? Let's dive in!
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Wuff & Wow - der Hundepodcast für Kinder
- Di: Claudia Peter-Plum
- Versione originale
Hallo und herzlich Willkommen! Ich bin Claudia, von Wuff & Wow, dem Hundepodcast für Kinder. Lass uns gemeinsam entdecken, was das Leben mit einem Hund an unserer Seite so besonders macht. Aber vor allem wollen wir genaustens unter die Lupe nehmen, worauf es im Zusammensein mit unseren Fellfreunden ankommt, damit du mit deinem Hund zu einem richtig guten Team wirst. Wuff & Wow, der Hundepodcast für Kinder ist nicht nur für Zweibeiner mit eigenem Hund spannend, sondern auch für alle, die mehr über die Welt unserer Hunde erfahren möchten. Wuff & Wow vermittelt kindgerechtes Wissen...
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The Gourmet Goober
- Di: Plum Goode Media
- Versione originale
The Gourmet Goober is a fun journey through the intersection of foodie and pop culture hosted by JJ Outlaw and her hubby Big Daddy. From Baby Yoda to the Great Chicken Wars, it's the show that's a little bit gourmet and a lot ratchet. ©2022 Plum Goode Media Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gourmetgoober/support
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Winning at Selling | Sales Leadership, Training and Development by Scott "The Professor"- Plum and Bill Hellkamp
- Di: Scott Plum and Bill Hellkamp
- Versione originale
Selling is an interactive activity and successful results will be determined by being prepared for all opportunities. The market is constantly changing and how people buy evolves as more options are available. Learn how to generate greater revenue, memorable experiences, and create client advocates by subscribing and applying relevant selling skills.
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- Di: Chef Plum
- Versione originale
Plum Luv Foods live is the Number One digital audio live food talk show heard live on Spreaker, Stitcher radio, Iheart radio, Spotify Thursday Nights at 10pm and archived to Itunes and everywhere podcasts are downloaded. Plum Luv Foods Live is Hosted by culinary and TV vet Chef Plum. Chef Plum is the host of “Edible on the Road” for “Edible Magazine, Seasoned on NPR, Restaurant Road Trip, and has had multiple appearances on The Food Network, CBS, ABC, BET, and was the host of the nationally syndicated All Recipes segment on Hallmark channel's “ Better show” The show has had ...
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Fire Will Fall
- Di: Carol Plum-Ucci
- Letto da: Julia Whelan, Paul Michael Garcia, Eddie Lopez, e altri
- Durata: 14 ore e 41 min
- Versione integrale
ShadowStrike poisoned the water of Trinity Falls two months ago. Now the Trinity Four, the teens most affected by the poison, have been isolated in a remote mansion under 24-hour medical care while scientists on four continents rush to discover a cure. Meanwhile, US operatives scour the world for the bioterrorists responsible for this heinous crime as two teen virtual spies, also infected, hunt for the criminals on the Internet.
Fire Will Fall
- Letto da: Julia Whelan, Paul Michael Garcia, Eddie Lopez, Neil Shah, Kirby Heyborne, Tai Sammons
- Durata: 14 ore e 41 min
- Data di pubblicazione: 28/12/2010
- Lingua: Inglese
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Prezzo standard: 23,95 €
Prezzo scontato: 23,95 €
Streams of Babel
- Di: Carol Plum-Ucci
- Letto da: Julia Whelan, Paul Michael Garcia, Eddie Lopez, e altri
- Durata: 12 ore e 35 min
- Versione integrale
When Cora Holman’s mother dies, she assumes the inevitable: that her mother overdosed on the painkillers she’d been taking for years. So she’s shocked to learn that her mother and a neighbor both died of a brain aneurysm the same night. When Cora and other neighborhood teens become ill with a mysterious flu, and government-type strangers arrive in her small town, they all fear the unthinkable - a terrorist attack. Meanwhile, a world away in Pakistan, a 16-year-old computer genius named Shahzad is working as a virtual spy....
Streams of Babel
- Letto da: Julia Whelan, Paul Michael Garcia, Eddie Lopez, Neil Shah, Kirby Heyborne, Tai Sammons
- Durata: 12 ore e 35 min
- Data di pubblicazione: 28/12/2010
- Lingua: Inglese
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Prezzo standard: 22,95 €
Prezzo scontato: 22,95 €
The Strategy & Creative Podcast
- Di: Daniel Plume
- Versione originale
There are too many self-styled thought leaders touting tactical tips to titilate audiences from big brands with big budgets. There is not enough discussion with strategists and creative types at the brands that have to punch bigger than they are to break through. This is where the hard work happens. This is where the magic is. This show brings together strategic minds, content creators and savvy entrepreneurs to discuss how they brought ideas, campaigns and businesses to life when they were up against it. It’s a dive into the specifics behind successful content design and delivery, an ...
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